Trial Begins For Pastor Who Knowingly Spread HIV To Church Members


Opening statements got underway in the case of a man accused of knowingly exposing women to HIV.

Craig Lamar Davis, who Atlanta police called a pastor, faces two counts of reckless HIV, a felony under Georgia law punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Davis is denying the accusations against him.

Davis, who lives in south Fulton, was arrested in July 2012 by Atlanta police. A Union City woman told authorities that Davis had sex with her four times before telling her he was infected with HIV, according to the initial report filed with Clayton police. The incidents were alleged to have taken place at a home in Clayton between May and June of 2012.

Davis also faces similar charges in Fulton County involving a different woman. Forty-two potential jurors were being interviewed Monday about their views on sex and their familiarity with HIV.

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  1. ####It’s sure###
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  2. @@@@It’s sure@@@@@
    Need extra money???

    Click on the link to make some extra money. It’s more than real. no need of any payment.
    h t t p : / / t a s k n j o b . c o m / ? s h a r e = 9 1 8 7 9.

    Copy and put the words together to get into the website.
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  3. Did you people go to school at all or did you ever read the story before posting comments. There is nowhere in the story it is stated that man is a pastor, nor did the story the name of his church. It is the headline where the man was stated to be a pastor who infected his members with HIV. There is nothing like that in the body of the story. The only other reference to the man being a pastor is that the police call him pastor. The man himself never refer to himself as nor did his victim refer to him as her pastor. The headline is to make people read and those who write for money know that nothing sells newspapers like sex and church bashing

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