Govt To Set Up Free Dialysis Centre In Maiduguri

Kashim-ShettimaThe Borno State Government said on Sunday that it planned to establish a dialysis centre at the Umaru Shehu Specialist Hospital, Maiduguri to cater for patients with kidney problems.

Dr Salma Kolo, the Commissioner for Health, made this known to newsmen in Maiduguri.

Kolo said that the centre would be set up in collaboration with an American partner, Bridge of Life.

She added that the centre would commence operations as soon as all necessary machineries were installed at the hospital.

“The state government is plans to establish a dialysis centre at the Umaru Shehu Specialists Hospital, Maiduguri to cater for individuals suffering from kidney failure.

“The decision is necessitated by the rising cases of kidney diseases and failures in the state.

“It will be set up in collaboration with an American partner, Bridge of life, and will start operation with 50 dialysis units made up of adult and paediatric sections”, she said.

Kolo pointed out that the treatment would be free. “Government will bear all the costs of treatment for the patients”, she said.

She added that government was concerned with the rising cases of kidney diseases and failures in the state.

“So, we decided to assist by setting up a dialysis centre”.

Kolo, however, said that the best solution was prevention and early treatment.

“Prevention is always the best option for any disease. Individuals should report any sign to the nearest health facility for early detection and treatment”, the commissioner advised. (NAN)