Pagans, Witches and Spiritualists Recruited by British Armed Forces


Pagans, witches, spiritualists and Rastafarians are among the British Army’s ranks.

Official figures obtained through Freedom of Information show 770 members of the armed forces declared their religion as “other” and, of these, are 120 devotees of paganism.

While paganism is a broad group of indigenous and polytheistic religions it is closely associated with the peaceful groups who gather at Stonehenge for Summer Solstice festivals.

The Metro reports that 60 of the 120 pagans serve with the army and the ranks also include 20 followers of Wicca, a tradition associated with witchcraft.

While associated with free love, flowers and dancing round Maypoles, Professor Ronald Hutton pointed out that some notable warriors throughout history have been pagans and so they are well suite to going into battle.

Professor Hutton told the Metro: “There is no pacifism necessarily embedded in modern pagan or Wiccan religious attitudes, and ancient pagans could make formidable soldiers.”