Buhari Lambasts President Jonathan Over His Visit To Kano Hours After Abuja Blast

A former military head of state General Muhammad Buhari has expressed his anger over President Goodluck Jonathan’s attendance of a political rally organised by the Peoples Democratic Party in Kano a day after the Abuja bomb blast that killed many.


Buhari took to his Facebook page to describe the President’s action as utterly disrespectful.


More so, other Nigerians are not happy with the Jonathan over this and they’ve taken to social media to lambast the president.

While the country is still mourning, Presisdent Jonathan, yesterday went on a visit to Kano state to welcome former governor of the state, Ibrahim Shekarau, to the PDP.



  1. Gen Buhari you said you will make country ungovernable is that not what is happening now l think you should be happy do not critisise GEJ because it is what you wanted you can now use this as a campaign. Strategy against Good luck but it will not work .

  2. Buhari psycho talk. What do you expect the president to do day after the blast? To have dinner with you or to be at the blast scene to shed tears like hypocrite? The monster in the country is your pet project. You should be confined strictly because you promised making the country ungovernable and it sounds like you’re making good your promise. But what God has ordained for man and the country Nigeria can not be altered so, take a chill pill. GEJ works with wisdom.

  3. All you are saying is robish but could u remember that is adamu ciroma that said he will make goodlock regim ungovernoble after the P D P primary election,security adviser to mr president mr andrew azazi said pdp are bokoram and he said he will revil avery things,after that goodlock remorved him and leter killed him throug airecraft.