I’m Now In Abuja, Catch Me If You Can – Shekau Dares Security Agencies

abubakar-shekau73737373788If the recent video released by leader of the Boko Haram terrorist group, Abubakar Shekau yesterday, in which he claimed responsibility for Monday morning’s bombing in Nyanya, that resulted in the death of over 71 persons, is anything to go by, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and indeed other parts of Nigeria may be under threat following Shekau’s boast that he is in the nation’s capital and has dared the security agencies to catch him if they can.

He said the Nyanya bombing and many others carried out by his group were in retaliation for all the killing of Muslims in Nigeria and other parts of the world.

In the 28-minute video, Shekau appeared dressed in military camouflage, a black turban and with an AK-47 rifle slung across his chest. He was holding a thick chewing stick in his right hand with a spiral-bound notepaper in his left.

He began his speech by pointing the chewing stick and mentioning the name of President Goodluck Jonathan three times before saying, “You are just too small”.

Shekau said, “We are the ones who carried out the bombing in Abuja in an area called Nyanya. [President] Jonathan you are a lame duck. Jonathan, you are too small for us”.

In the video, which he switched between Arabic and Hausa language, Shekau queried why the president was mute when Muslims around the world and in Nigeria were killed and dared him to find his location, saying he was right within the FCT.

The video ended with footage of the destruction at the scene of the recent Nyanya explosion.

“You (Jonathan) should know that we are worshipping God, that is why we are always victorious in all our attacks; if you are that wise and knowledgeable, why is it still very difficult for you to locate where we are up till date despite the fact that we are within Nigeria. Look at us, we are right within your city (Abuja), and you don’t even know how to find us. Let me tell you now; I am here, very close to you; I dare you to get me, if you can”, said Shekau.


  1. You can boast all you like….but don’t forget that nine days is for the thieves/boko haram but just one day will be enough for Jonathan/FG to crush all of you to pieces. This is distraction towards the ongoing investigation as a result of the corpse of the Nyanya bomber who was discover by the securities.

  2. Indeed u are not God shakarau, know this: Besides you do not whorship God Almighty as u claimed that he is the one who gives u victory. Even the ‘Qoran’ did nt at any passage ask u to shedblood. But u are an angent of ‘queen of coast’, but hear this;That God nver sleeps.YOUR ARE DAREING GOD NOT JONATHAN,SO BE READY FOR THE VENGEANCEA OF GOD SOON

    • We r nt in this world to live forever, one day we all go back to our creator Almighty Allah and answer our DID…if killing human being is a hubby to someplace people then one day one day one day will come for U to regret … We pray for the peace of this our Lovely Country Nigeria.

  3. U retaliating for the moslims being killed globally and in Nigeria? And do u realise how many moslims u have send to their early grave at this course of your heartless attack? And was it GEJ that is responsible for the killing of these moslems? Repent now before you end your life like sadam hussein, adholf hitller and din laddin ends their miserable life.

  4. Like beddy said, 9 days for the thief and one day for the owner. Boko haram is a COWARD GROUP. All they do is hide around and kill people innocent people. If u say govt or GEJ is ur target y don’t u go after them or him. Then they go to kidnap little girls.. What a stupid bunch of people

  5. SHEKARAU…..were ever you are, just spare me 30seconds of your time…the muslims who have died ever since the begining of this word wish they have dthe chance to tell you how HELL is terrible….please, ALLAH doesn’t exist…..i undastand, if i were in your shoes, i would have a similar attitude as yours, but just pause and think whether the Almighty God truly exist, soften your heart so as to be convicted….hell is real…JESUS loves you, that is why he came 2 die on the cross of calvary for the remission of our sins, like me, i also have the ”KORAN”, i only extract the good things in it….i compare and contrast, we aint totally criticising the muslims….but ALLAH DOESNT EXIST…you can quote me anywhere….let’s live in peace…don’t brag of violence…..repent and be baptised in God….HEAVEN is a nyc place to stay…..am just a friend and not a criticizer….people are dieing, mothers are crying, fathers are weeping, how would u feel if it was your child that is being killed????..think about that……thank you very much…GOD BLESS YOU

  6. Hmm,Shekau can say anything that he likes,all i know is that he was paid for what he is doing and.Someone may ask that “Who are those that are sponsoring Shekau” the answer is Our leaders! And when i say our leaders i mean Starting from Governors upwards…Why did i say so? Below are my reasons……..Firstly, starting from the Governors,Do you think they really don’t know who Boko Harams are? No they do.Do you think as a Governor He don’t know there is problem and how they problem will come into play,no they do. How can Boko Haram abduct 100 girls and burn down houses without the concent of security.Ok let say is possible,but how did they move with those girls and no one knows.You see is either Security are fuelling insurgency or the leaders do.Secondly,i was in Abuja last two weeks for my JAMB, the kind of security i saw in Abuja will not allow Boko Haram to penetrates and have way to plant Bomb.Is either the Securities recieved directives to allow such a thing to happen or Our leaders are the ones plotting all these.Come to think of it, In Nigeria there is stop and check everywhere but our Leaders or Politicians are exceptional to that Why? And don’t you think they can have such things in their Position? Thirdly,looking at what is happening in the Northern Part of Nigeria it implies that is a plan work.Why everybody is keeping quite and why is it that is only the poor Northerners that are dying….I really can’t believe what is happening in Northern Nigeria.But one thing that is certain is that whether you like it not Each and every one of us must die.And Allah SBHW will not allow those sponsoring insurgency in Nigeria to go scott free,Insha Allah they must see the worst in their life……


  8. Rhedn or wat u cal ursef.you 1 of those useless nigrerian who encouraged tribalizing and religious crisis.you are as useless as ur statement.hw can you say Allah does nt exist.we are talkin abt terrorism u sayingstupid statement

  9. Rhedn or wat u cal ursef.you 1 of those useless nigrerian who encouraged tribalizing and religious crisis.you are as useless as ur statement.hw can you say Allah does nt exist.we are talkin abt terrorism u sayingstupid statement.you as ignorant as shakau.

  10. This Nigeria has all it takes to fight terrorism, hw can somebody tell me that a vehicle full of explosives can not be detected by our security agencies even in Abuja. This is a disgrace. Yet we go to other countries for peace keeping and to settle thier security challenges. God hv mercy on Nigeria.

  11. All i knw is that we both pray to God Almighty, either through Muhammed or Jesus. Pls Shekau your strikes evrywhere you do kill 60 to 75% of muslims and yet you claim you are fighting for Allah. Please think twice. Allah does ask you to do what you doind.
    Remember if Goodluck cannot get you Allah himself will strike you and crush your generations to come

  12. I myself personally will kill you.u are successful approaching ur grave.even the Hausa’s u claimed fighting for doesn’t recognize ur fruitcake.so now u are course frm the earth.the blood of those swallowed shall hunt u down.u wl remain a vagabond until u are conquered by my veryself.jst remain fugitive…..u coward.

  13. killing of innocent citizen its nt d right tin if d boko haram tink dey are strong dey should request 4 a battle ground btw JTF and lets c who win 4 no 9ja soldiers wat dey can do and nt battling wit un trained civilian like us

  14. What a brilliant statement. This is to show you how Nigeria security system is bad. If is to arrest innocent citizen for small crime security can locate you. But people who politician are using to kill innocent Nigeria all security agency can not locate them.

  15. U come 2 Nigeria.wt dangerous w e pons but we come 2 u in d name of d LORD of hosts whom u have DEFIED soonest. will d LORD deliver u & take ur head frm u…. for d battle is d LORD’S & HE w illg give u into our hands.

  16. Know wat?I really symphasize wit all those Nigerians who really there’s anybody called shekau. Hw can common sense accept all d rubbish allegedly said by dis so called man? Hear dis “we carry out dis acts in retaliation of numerous killing of Muslims” question is why did he make his hqts@ Muslim states? Hmm mm.

  17. Mr Boko haram leader, u ar jst a big fool, wot ar ur reasons 4 bombing park? Whch big man dey go enter motor 4 dat park? U ar jst holding AK47 keep decieve ad killing ur muslem brothers too. Think ad wake up frm ur evil works

  18. No worry…your time dey come…and I pray say na the innocent civilians wey you specialise to de kill go catch you…make dem give you proper jungle justice…cutting off every part of ya body, from head to toes. Because our courts fit grant u bail & even discharge or acquit you like dem free Sen.Ndume,another confirmed member of boko haram. Get ready- ur 70 demons virgins will soon attend to our damned soul.

  19. All na wash. All na distraction. All na mask just a casting of castle at the side of beach shore. Very soon the wave of the see will flush it out. Who ever that is behind this Ekpo, Okoroshi, Eyo, Ojuju and their big brother Masquerade, go ahead and boast. You are being used just like tissue paper and think of what happens next, you cannot be kept. You will be cast into the toilet or waist bin by those who used you to achieve their evil motive. Shame on you because termites will even reject your dead body. You don’t have regard for the name of God you claim to serve and you have no respect for his creature. He is not a coward like you. He will meet you sooner than you think. Keep your insult to the President for your sponsors. You are insulting the whole Nation but God will no longer watch you bragg and accuses him of helping you to kill people that are more righteous than you.

  20. You useless and hopeless devil,who ever paid you to drag Islam name to the mud will not succeed. The God that you are serving is totally diffrnt from Allah the Creator of the Muslims,besides where ever you got your blv from is not what the prophet and the Quran teaches you fool. You are nothing but a lunatic that needs attention. Your image is completely un Islamic and Insha Allahu you will die a miserable death. If by any chance you get to read this, I am a practicing Muslim who is not proud of you and I wish hell will be your abode. Because of your useless acts, Muslims are being Criticized and called names,but you knw what? The likes of you are described in the holy Quran. So,hell awaits you for what ever mission you are after because you don’t even have a purpose muchless the knwlgd of the deen, and who so ever is dictating this to you also got it all wrong. Allah alone promised to protect His true religion but no one else. Coward! As for you Rhedn,i pity you for you know not…the fact that you don’t even acknowledge your creator is enough to categories you on the same pace with Shakau. A lunatic is wat you are with a common interest against Muslim. But tell you what? Allah/God Has Prevail your plans already,Islam ahead…its a forward ever backward never!

  21. Ds is nt rael its jst a frame work,God of d masses wl surely help us out,its now obvious dat Boko/haram is nt a religious group God bls our christian bro/sis dat see more out side religion platform n d ignorant of dem dat jst put in2 written wot dey know noting ab2 shd pls take caution bcoz God almighty is one $ nobody 2 compare wt his might God wl definitely salvage $ help us out 4rm d hand of ds so call evil men dat says dey r fighting 4 God

  22. Wawan banza! Ka na bauyewa na me ne? Za a kama ka da dukan yan uwan ka tsenenu. Adinin musulinci ke nan? Hear me boko haram you are cursed- you and our sponsors. Bloodshed and pain, weeping and gnashing of teeth shall follow you all of our damned lives

  23. Shekau n A̶̲̥̅̊ℓ̊ℓ̊ boko haram members God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob will strike Ʋ dead where ever Ʋ r hiding Ƒ̶̷͡or the innocent blood you are shedding,those people sponsoring Ʋ guys will never see Good things, ђã†̥ soever dey use their hands to D̶̲̥̅̊☺ will never prosper,they will be useless forever n ever unless they repent! Amen and Amen.

  24. I don’t really know what to say over this issue. This idiot who is sponsored by stupid politicians/gov’t to carry out their atrocities is saying he is fighting for Allah. How stupid of people to believe that great lie. How I wish I can be sponsored to kill all the bad people in the Nigeria starting from the gov’t to so-called terrorists. As for u rhedne or whatever you called yourself, you are more foolish than shekau to believe that Allah never exist. You shall burn in hell together with shekau for your statement unless you repented because Allah is ever-forgiven and will surely forgive you. Thanks @maryam for that comment.

  25. You re a very big coward wat ever ur stupid name is called ⁿ woo until dat hole of urs Ʊ call a mouth to say that Ʊ re worshipping God, Ʊ re not worshipping he who gave his only son for love so he will have sometin or a covenant per say not to strike quickly as before, boost all Ʊ can but b rest assure Ʊ will b paraded ⁿ reduced very soon dis is not gej war Ʊ re fighting ⁿ daring God Ʊ re going to rot in hell for all d wickedness Ʊ ⁿ ur co-hurt have unleashed on innocent citizens of dis country urs will b worser dan their’s jst a little time God will bring you ⁿ odas to book of destruction stupid ⁿ un-defined fools calling themselves bh God pass una shekuoo or wat ever ur name is called Ʊ nor reach osama, hitler,anini, gadafi ⁿ lots more today all dis afore-mentioned names re not here any more very soon you ⁿ ur co-hurt will not b here “The God of Justice ⁿ Peace will caugh up wit Ʊ jst very soon calls all innocent souls Ʊ ⁿ ur co-hurt have killed is involve their bloods will find Ʊ out cos it is d blood of d innocent, Ʊ will be caught ⁿ killed very soon murderer

  26. Sincerely speaking this is outrageous may Allah punish u and those in support of ur missin ameen and u rhden it wasn’t my wish to comment on this adamant, pervert, bastards, stupid, and lunatic head u make me u shall soon find out if Allah exist or not stupid bear in mind u will be punish severely for such ridiculous saying

  27. First let me start 4rm ds guy called rheidn u most b a fool2 b talkin2 muslim lyk dat we are tryin2 solve pblm and u are creating another won ds are d ppl dat don’t want nigeria 2b in 1peace,fool lyk u.den 4ds boko haram me I knw ur day will cm wen God will catch u since d person u are expectin cannot catch u.see u as e even ugly.tell me is ds how prophet mohammed ask us2 fight 4religou,or is dere anybody who can fight 4God.even God say tell den and if dey no ans leave dem2 me.u go die de way u are killing us.

  28. Let me start from that man who call himself rhedn or whatever ur name is, this is a public place, u can’t just come inside here and bgin say wotever u wish, don’t u know, dat comment u make.made all d muslim here boil, infact u r worse dan shakau as far as my view, do learn hw to talk ok, we know who ALLAH is, we know wot he can do, shakau dat is fighting for all d muslim, do u think all the people dat die in nyanya r christian or wot, don’t dcieve urself, cus we all know dat u just kill people out of ignorace cos u don’t have knowledge of islam, cus if u have u wouldn’t have doing all dis

  29. I just check my jamb result it was 160 so I was hopeless I got mr frank number online I called MR Frank and explain he help me to upgrade my score to 250 now I am happy if u want to upgrade ur score too call mr frank on 08109630982 he is going to help u the way he helped me God bless mr frank

  30. Shekau or watever u re called,expect d wrath of God soonest nd i pray u never repent cos i personally need u to rot in hell,Allah does nt teach to kill fellow beings….Buh come 2 fink of it,our leaders a d one behind dis cos lyk other ple have said,dey can’t claim nt 2 know dis terrorist buh nevertheless i know God will intervene soonest

  31. Shekau, i put it to you that killing innocent Nigerians is not of any good to you, killing innocent people here and there in Nigeria for God’s sake is not at all a solution to your problems, reconcile your grievances with government and stop these incesant killings of people in this country if you throughly know God because i doubt if you know God, because if you do, you will know that destroying lives you didn’t create is a GREAT SIN before God.

  32. Ugly stinking slave Shekau I dnt tink he has a Girlfriend…see where are the GGSS student u abduct ooo cos my girlfriend is there ooo…..oloriburuku weere ko ni da fun e o ma ku ni oloshi…….woo moto ni yo pa o bi aja omo aale

  33. GEJ should appoint millitary administrators to those 3North Eastern States. He should send the states assembly packing and appoint caretaker chairman to all the 3 states local government councils. The boko Haram were being sponsors by these politicians from these states. If military takes over the control of these states fully,the boko haram will be wiped off within short period ,and Zakareahu won’t get mouth to boast again

  34. See him,e even ugly self Poor Boy u no get #100 to shave?….GEJ is living Cool and u’re there been used as a Slave by some Useless Politician Dog,killing ur fellow Muslim and still Boasting….oo ni sense oooo……see one Day u too will also Die and wat will be ur Gain…..Mad Man

  35. Shekau or whatever your name is, how can u claim to be killing in retaliation for moslems that were killed all over the world. That’s cheap insanity. Do u know how many innocent moslems u and ur group had killed by ur acts? It time u shealth ur sword, if not the wrath of Allah will come over u sooner than expected.

  36. You so call rheidn blody full ingnorant like shekau sainying that allah is not exis people saying what will bring peace in our caunry you are saiying robish you and shekau there is no different becouse you are like him that bring riliogious crisis in this nation for your statment hurry up and ask his forgiveness before he ditroy you the way his goint to distroy shekau

    • This is what we are saying. Muslims should lean to tolerate others. You are already fighting rhedn for speaking against ALLAH. Why not let him be punish by ALLAH than fighting the man. Come to think of it. Many Muslims have kill several people particularly Non Muslims in many northern states in the PAST. EG Kano Riot Claim many lives in the 90s, Kaduna Riot in 2000 cliaim many christian lives also in Bauchi and many other STATE . The point im try to make is IF THE CHRISTIANS ARE AS VIOLENT AS THE MUSLIMS, Nigera wound have be a country of HISTORY by now. So let us lean to live together as one irrespective of our RELIGIOU so as not be ENCOURAGING PEOPLE LIKE BOKO HARAM. We know many muslim preachers preach violet. May God Bless Nigeria Amen

  37. this shithead claims he’s victorious but he kills innocent people! the bastard should go directly to the leaders and not common citizens!bloody cockroach Shakau! onyi’ara!!!make ona flex!! asari go haunt ona down when time reach.

  38. I just check my jamb result it was 170 so I was hopeless I got mr kingsley number online I called MR kingsley and explain he help me to upgrade my score to 250 now I am happy if u want to upgrade ur score too call mr kingsley on 08188984703 he is going to help u the way he helped me God bless mr kingsley

  39. If its true that you re in Abuja, I will advice you to go back and bring back our girls for you to be save and repent. Its not too later for you to make a difference among other terrorists in the World. For those who are sponsor this deadly group called boko haram to discredit GEJ/FG AND NIGERIANS THEY WE NEVER SEE GOODNESS OF GOD IN LIFE.

  40. this guy is following the footsteps of mohamed,the messiah with sword,the slaves owner who took slave as sex slaves,hope all you muslims understand ur quran,hard to understand bcuz they wont allow it to be translated in english and common as bible which everyolbody can read and understand easily ,quran 8:12,enjoy ur reading

  41. Shekau i have never commented on this platform b4 but am lead to say something today, if you are reading this remember that God created the innocent souls that you are killing and remember that no sinner will go unpunished so the earlier you repent and allow God to fight for himself the better for you.
    Above all you said your fight is in retaliation of the muslims killed all over the world yet you have killed a lot of muslims. whoever is using you to carry out this montrous act will soon go down the drain with you. GOD IS A GOD OF VENGEANCE AND HE WILL SURELY FIGHT FOR HIMSELF SOON.