Guy Invents Silver-Lined Boxers That ‘Protects Sperm Count’

A prototype pair of Wireless Armour pants. Pic: Indiegogo/Joseph Perkins
A prototype pair of Wireless Armour pants. Pic: Indiegogo/Joseph Perkins

Joseph Perkins says the metal woven into the Wireless Armour underwear creates a small Faraday cage to protect against 99.9% of radiation.

He says the pants are necessary because of falling sperm counts, which he believes is partly due to the gadgets we use every day.

Mr Perkins said the underwear works because the cage – invented by Michael Faraday in the 1800s – distributes any electromagnetic radiation evenly around it.

In a message on his Indiegogo fundraising page Mr Perkins said: “The communications systems in parliament and vital military installations are all protects by Faraday cages to stop them being interfered with.

“Now you can protect your most valuable assets too with Wireless Armour.

“This covers the entire range of radiation emitted by wireless devices, from voice and texts through to 4G and Wi-Fi.”

Mr Perkins said the idea came to him while teaching physics in Switzerland, when he said he realised his gadgets were exposing him to “huge amounts of radiation”.

He says he needs to raise £30,000 to put the underwear into production.

Early backers can get a pair for £14, while the price will rise to £24 for later backers.

Mr Perkins says he also plans to develop a bra which protects against radiation.