Jungle Justice: Lagos Reads Riot Act To Residents

the-mob-in-action-360x232The Lagos State Government has warned residents against carrying out jungle justice or meting out instant punishment in form of lynching, burning or killing suspected criminals in the state.

In the past one week, more than one case of lynching of suspected ritualist/kidnapper has been reported in the nation’s commercial capital.

In a statement signed by the state’s Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ade Ipaye, the government warned that henceforth, it would bring full weight of the law to bear on anyone caught engaging in jungle justice, no matter the offence of the alleged criminal.

Mr. Ipaye said anybody caught beating, burning or killing any suspect whether alone or in a mob is engaging in a serious criminal act and liable to prosecution and punishment.

The attorney general explained that the warning became necessary in light of recent developments where some people were attacked in the state on the suspicion that they were kidnappers, thieves or ritualist.

The state government, according to Mr, Ipaye, condemned the attacks, adding that the suspects might easily have been wrongly accused.

“Even if they did commit the alleged offence, there is a process for prosecuting and showing the evidence in court so that proven criminals can be properly punished according to law”, he added.