List Of 53 Escapee Chibok Schoolgirls Out

school girlsThe list of the schoolgirls abducted on April 14, 2014 in Chibok, Borno State, by Boko Haram gunmen has been released.

An online report by Daily Trust on Friday said the list had the names of 53 schoolgirls that escaped from their captors.

The list includes those who escaped on the night of their capture at the Government Secondary School Chibok, on April 14, as well as those who escaped from the Boko Haram camps where they were being held.

A breakdown of the list, citing information provided by the girls’ parents show that seven of them are Muslims, while the remaining are Christians.

The list was made public on the heels of controversy surrounding the religious identities of the girls who escaped so far, with some commentators suggesting they were all Muslims.

However, the list by Daily Trust show that only seven Muslim girls were among the escapees.

46 Christians

1.      Amina Thlawur

2.      Binawi Galam

3.      Lucy Dzakwa

4.      Hauwa Thlawur

5.      Kwanta Isa

6.      Asabe Yaga

7.      Hauwa Musa

8.      Hauwa John

9.      Hannatu Joshua

10.    Amina Yaga

11.     Sarah Amos

12.     Kauna Bitrus

13.     Dinna Lawan

14.     Hauwa Sani

15.     Luggwa Yahi

16.     Hamatu Ibrahim

17.     Pogu Bullum

18.     Sanya

19.     Nkeki Duds

20.    Hannatu Iliya

21.     Saratu Musa

22     Solomi Yakubu

23.    Mary Katambi

24.    Awa Thlama

25     Mary Yaga

26.    Godiya Simon

27.    Rejoice Yaga

28.    Falmata Mutah

29.    Patience Bulus

30.    Dorcas Musa

31.     Mercy Paul

32.    Rahap Pogu

33.    Rifkatu Halai

34.    Thlama Walla

35.    Deborah Ishaya

36.    Hadiza Kwakwi

37.    Filo Dauda

38.    Amos Mufah

39.    Naomi Lawan

40.    Asabe Nkeki

41.     Hadiza Yama

42.    Kuma Ishaku

43.    Solomi Bitrus

44.    Ladi Nkeki

45.    Rahap Yaga

46.    Comfort Aguba.

7 Muslims

1.         Habiba Yahya

2.         Zarah Umoru

3.         Hadiza Hamidu

4.         Hauwa Ibrahim

5.         Yagana Musa

6.         Aishatu Usman

7.         Hamsatu Umoru



  1. I will refar to the comment of CAN from kaduna about the first list, once u are religion fanatisc definitly u will go astray.if there problem in yoruba land for example u can espect the victim to be Hausa or Igbo depend on the area where it happen. the so call religion leader has puch this govt to road where it difficult to uturn. why, why, why, is it that when an isuue araise the christain we be point aqcuise finger to Muslim likewise muslim we be point aquise finger to christain too. why? am espect the same CAN pres to release this list. chibok is one of christain large domin in Brono and if u dont leasting well to there name u will not no what is there faith or religion. on like in Yobe where the Insurgent kill 60 male secondry student, the area dominion by muslim and so most boys that kill there where muslim. pls,pls,pls, our leader shld stop this religion difference we shld sincer with God we serve, no man we enter the kingdom of God except he that keep his law(comandment) we all konw this neither u muslim or christain. we all going to be judge by what we do in this world not by be christain or muslim.

  2. The Nigerian press had gone insane. Rather than counter all these nonsense about religion they engage our leaders. This is absolute nonsense. We should read rather; The 53 Nigerian girls………………………
    You Naija press are an embarrasmment and a disgrace.
    Besides, its only Naija websites that had published the story of US Marines discovering the girls in the sambisa forest. What happened to investigative jorunalism? All we do is copy and paste. Even the US had not said anything and also international media. Bunch of lazy journalists.

  3. Where are we heading to with this nonsensical and primitive religious sentiment? What is the point of differentiating between the muslims and the christians? The life of every Nigerian is utmost consequential in respective of ethnic and religious colouration. This is an anarchous society Nigeria had never experienced in the history.