Yeni Kuti Talks About Nigerian Men

Yeni Kuti in a new interview with Sunnewsonline has explained why she is still single and why she can never re-marry at over 50. She also talks about Nigerian married women being stars, because Nigerian men are hard to look after. Her words;

I am still single because I have lost all interest in marriage and I don’t believe in the institution any more. Nigerian men are too controlling and overbearing for me and I am already set in my ways. Besides, I have been on my own for too long. My major concern is training my daughter.
I praise married women; I think they are the real stars of this country. Women in their husbands house looking after their husbands and children are amazing especially the ones with nine to-five jobs who come back home tired and still go to the kitchen to cook for their husbands.
These are the women that women magazines should be celebrating because they are the real super women. Men are not easy to look after; I can’t do that so I duff my hat for such women. When my only child clocked two, I was separated from my ex-husband.  I am now in my 50’s and I am not thinking about having another child and I have no regrets.
I don’t believe in having kids with every man that comes my way. Maybe I could have had more kids if I had re-married but since I never remarried there was no need for me to have more kids. My marriage didn’t work because we couldn’t get on together after two years. Right now my daughter is the most important person in my life. I am still single and I have found a suitable man but right now, marriage is the last thing on my mind.