Mom Allegedly Suffocated Baby, Posted RIP Pic On Facebook


Instead of giving her child up for adoption or consulting with the child’s father about her mental state, she took away her innocent child’s life. The mother’s name is Nicole “Nikki” Kelly and she is now in police custody. She is said to be currently charged with the second degree murder of her baby boy, Kiam Felix Jr. She was arrested on July 7th, which happened to be her 22nd birthday. The murder of her child took place the day before her arrest.

After she murdered the child, she called the child’s father and they both rushed to the nearest hospital where Kiam Felix Jr. was pronounced dead. She was renting a room from a woman who also had a baby boy. Her roommate told detectives that she saw Nicole staring at her child’s dead body, right before the father took both of them to the hospital. Kiam Felix Jr. was dressed in a white outfit before his murder because his mother wanted him to be an angel floating in heaven. Without thinking she would be burning in hell for the rest of eternity. 

You can check out the heart breaking photos on his crazy mother’s Facebook Page. She was bold enough to post on her Facebook: “Missing my baby boy so much wish there was some way I could bring him back to life I feel horrible knowing he passed away. I am his mother. I was supposed to protect him.”

She posted this message although she was the demon who suffocated him to death, by wrapping him inside a bed sheet. She left him alone to die while she refreshed herself in the shower. As mentioned before, she even had the nerve to call his father to take her to the hospital. She told the police: “I reached my breaking point, I didn’t want him anymore.” 

This is happening way too often these days. This is the perfect example of why people should be careful having children because some people are simply unfit for the responsibility of caring for another person’s life. I refuse to believe this woman was mentally unstable because she took to Facebook to profess her wrong doing.

The point of the matter is if she didn’t want the responsibility of taking care of a child she should have kept her legs closed, before bringing someone into this world she wasn’t ready to properly take care of. She could have called the father before her breaking point and let him know she was not fit to take care of the child. Some mother’s these days are simply lovers of themselves and show no natural affection for their children. She could have simply said to herself: “What if my mother dressed me in white and suffocated me to death.” Just something to think about.