Priest Says Devil Sent Abusive Text Messages To Him

A Polish priest who carried out an exorcism on a teenage girl says he is getting abusive text messages — from the devil.

“The author of these texts is an evil spirit who has possessed her soul,” he told the Austrian Times . “Often the owners of mobile phones are not even aware that they are being used like this. However, in this case it is clear.”

In one of the texts the devil apparently told Father Rajchel that he was wasting his time trying to save the teenager.

“She will not come out of this hell. She’s mine. Anyone who prays for her will die,” the devil said.

After Father Rajchel replied, the devil then turned on him, getting particularly nasty and personal with the priest.

“Shut up, preacher. You cannot save yourself. Idiot. You pathetic old preacher,” he said.

Father Rajchel said “clearly this young girl has been possessed and needs further help.”