Not Adultery; Here’s Why Pastor Anita Oyakhilome Filed For Divorce

It is true like you heard that Pastor Anita Oyakhilome is seeking to divorce her husband, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the President of Believers’ Love World Inc., popularly known as Christ Embassy, but it is not because of adultery.

The new facts emerged over the weekend that Pastor Anita wants to leave her husband because of behaviours that suggest that she cannot ‘reasonably be expected’ to live with him, the court papers seen by Thisday say.

According to a copy of the  court papers for the divorce process filed at the  Principal Registry of the Family Division (PRFD) of  the High Court of Justice, which Thisday says it has, Pastor Anita applied for “divorce on the ground that the marriage has broken down irretrievably.”


In her statement of case in support of petition at PRFD with number FD14001650, Pastor Anita however, accused her husband of having inappropriate relationship with some of his female staff members.

According to the statement, “the wife has discussed with the husband his appropriate relationship with some of his female staff members. She has explained that this has given her cause for concern. The husband has minimised her worries and taken no step to alleviate her grievances.”

The statement indicated no allegation of adultery as there was no co-respondent to the petition and no names were mentioned.

“The wife submits that her marriage to the husband has irretrievably broken down and there is no hope of reconciliation. The wife will submit that it is the husband’s unreasonable behaviours which have led to this.

“The husband and the wife are both Pastors. The husband undertakes his work, in the main, in South Africa and Nigeria. The wife lives in the United Kingdom. The wife will say that they have lived separately for 16 years and over this time have drifted apart. The wife has come to realise that the husband will only visit the UK for annual church programmes that he holds rather than to be with this wife. The wife feels that he has been unavailable as a father to their children during their developing years.

“The wife feels that their marriage suffered under the pressure of their work. They would rarely spend time together due to the husband unavailability. Special occasions such as Christmas, Birthdays and family occasions and anniversaries past them by and their rarely spent any time together as a family as the husband was more devoted to his work than he was to them.

“The wife feels that she has been used to portray and enhance the husband’s image as a family man when the reality is that there is no existing relationship between them. She feels that she has been present for official functions simply for his convenience. On occasions she has been copied into his travel itinerary which has been given to him by his staff on a need to know basis.

“The wife has tried to discuss her concerns with the husband. He claims that she is carnal and he is insensitive to her feelings and her needs.

“As a result of the husband’s attitude to their marriage, the wife will say that he is virtually not recognised as a married man in the ministry. His teachings and beliefs on marriage is that the husband is a master and a controller and the wife will say that his concept of biblical; submission is so extreme that it is impossible for her to meet his expectations. She feels humiliated by the way he treats her in the presence of his close female staff members and she feels that she has been taken for granted which has become unbearably stressful for her.

“The wife will say that the relationship with the husband is non-existent to the point that his itinerary which was announced  publicly at the beginning of the year had no provision for time with his family. His staff members who travel with him organise both his personal and professional life without any input from her. The wife will say that she is treated with disregard almost like akin to an intruder.

“The wife feels that she has been mentally, physically and emotionally deprived of the experience of a marital relationship. She feels that the husband has persistently judged her and his communication with her has been unduly harsh. The wife knows that he was hard to please and has been extremely critical.

“The wife reserves the right to expand on all of these particulars if the divorce petition is defended,” the statement read in part.


  1. So called men of God, depriving ur family life
    All in d name of God’s work. Dear Chris, read ur bible well nd see dt God does nt allow neglect. May God forgv u, how wld u be wifout ur wife for Good 16ys nd say u keeping urlsf.nt dt u re a widower, may God forgv u, nd oxpxen d eys of ur followers to kne d truth.B

  2. Chris is not a good example of a man of God. Is he the only one servings God? Is he the only one that is running a tight schedule? He simply used the woman to hype is PR. It is a cleer case of adultery no matter the kind of english you use to twist it. There is God ooooh!

  3. Am a strong advocate of couples living together no matter what. I sincerely feel the pains of this woman but not withstanding this can be resolved without separation or divorce. Divorce is not the original plan of GOD from the beginning. The two of them should come together to resolve it amicably because millions of Christians all over the world are watching them even non Christians. This singular action might make some to fall from the Christian race. So please Anita, have a second thought and let GOD direct your ways and thoughts. Am praying in my closet that your marriage does not fail so the that the world will not make jest of the Christian faith.

    • I strongly second your thoughts. Whoever you’re, clearly you’re one of the Christians we need at this age, especially these end times. Indeed, women (wives) need to be submissive to men (their husbands), however in marriage both parties ought to realize that they’re one body: i.e. the wife’s body no longer belongs to her alone, and the husband’s as well no longer belongs to him alone, but what does Paul say under the influence of the Holy Spirit for those who’re married?

      1 Corinthians 7 verses 4 and 5 (KJV) The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except [it be] with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

      What’s the conclusion then to this? I reply, if indeed we, as the Christians, do go by God’s Word and are called to do God’s Word as both are pastors, then the couple should reconcile and they should revisit 1 Corinthians 7 (the whole chapter). Indeed, Satan has “tempted the couple for their incontinency” in that either of them has had “power over his or her own body”, and this is the Word of God which does not respect whether we’re great in ministries or not, because God is not a respecter of man but of His Word.

      I love Pastor Christ and his wife, for I remember when I first heard about the sad news – God knows, I cried and was sad – Thus I would want, with all my heart, to see them coming together and be one before God as He has destined them to be.

  4. Look ït’s very important to see well before you houses or the news hunters should be sure of any story,no matter how hot or unbelievable it might sound in the ear,investigate it well before publishing.Rushing to be the first to.publish will cause a lot mistakes & personalities damages.if you know the damages you have inflicted on the person of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and His ministry you will go back to put off the Flem you set on.And you people should know that you. own Pastor Chris & ministry apologies.

    • We are not all sinners. Some of us are no more sinners because we have been freed from sin by the death of Jesus Christ at Calvary. Matthew 1: 21; John 1: 29. Sinners will not enter Heaven, no matter the religion they practice (even Christianity)! All must be born again, by repenting of their sins, giving their lives to Christ, and continuing sin free by the grace of God.

      • Were you made righteous by your good deeds or by obeying the law? Is it not God who showed us mercy and granted us righteousness because we believed in Christ? The bible says touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm (do no evil, speak no evil, permit no evil against him) and Christ said don’t judge least ye be judged in the same measure. Paul said if one amongst you sins, rebuke him with gentleness and bring him back to faith. If you’ve condemned a man of God in your heart, better ask God for forgiveness, you’ve sinned.

  5. Women need husbands that are human beings, not spirits. Poor Anita, may God open the other eyes of your husband to see your needs. You need to appoint other pastors for your oversea branches and move to live with your family/husband. Family is the beginning of ministry. Divorce should not be contemplated at all, stand up and save your family and ministry. The two of you have made a very BIG MISTAKE by separating for such a long time. You must stay together, pray together, eat together … everything together. I pray the family should not disintegrate as it will not only affect the ministry but will adversely affect Christendom. Be ready to forgive and take your husband back. You are his help mate and not a parallel staff. your duty is really to hold up his arms like Aaron and Hur.

  6. There is no excuse for the treatment Anita has been through,it is obvious that Pastor Chris is an adulterous man with no respect or love for his family.Why are we trying to downplay this wicked act from a perceived man of God.Pastor Chris should be ashamed of himself and ask for forgiveness,his actions are Un Godly and wicked

  7. the five 1st writer needs to examine themselves very well bcOs they all have common problems, u c what is happening to the man of God n his wife n their ministry n instead of u praying for them u guys Ar critisizing them, I pray God forgive ur ignorants IJN

  8. That they live apart for 16yrs doesnt mean they were separated. It means Chris lived in Nigeria/South Africa while d wife lives permanently in London. The media shd be professional enough to avoid rash conclusions. Then, Pastor Chris shd apologise to his wife and bring his wife closer. Assign those overseas branches of ur Church to other capable Pastors. Ur family must of neccesity be with you expecially in their formatives yrs until such a time that they cant stay on their own. I strong pray they shdnt divorce. Reconciliation is a better option. Bt Pastor Chris shd apologise to his wife.

  9. Someone just said pastor Chris is an adulterous man. Be very careful of ur statement cos u might not be opportuned to take it back. All of u might be surprised that d rate these media houses portrays dis story is not how intensed it happened. Pple are concluding that for 16yrs, he neva saw his family. Are u dat darft? Be very careful on the fins u say abt anointed men of God cos u might not be better off. Everybody must pass a wilderness. They is no pastor in Nigeria that has not be criticised. Pst Adeboye has been accused of adultery and I knew wat pple said abt him. Bishop Oyedepo has be accused too and many top men of God including Priests. Even Jesus was accused to and that was y HE was killed. Know dat ur comments and post ranting over these couples does not hold water. The devil is jst using u to perpetuate his evil deeds again God’s church and HIS anointed servants.

  10. I’m in support of Saffy; the error has been detected, the fault found and the solution is reconciliation. Pastor Anita, Go back to your husband and settle it with God. People are reading and listening to this, let our lives be an example of the believers.

  11. The lawyer is trying to be economic with the truth. The whole statement border at the fact that Pastor Chris is irresponsible and two of them now have love lost. 1 Peter 4:8 (NLT) states, “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love coverd a multitude of sins.”
    I wonder the type of love the couple in question are preaching to their congregations. The love they profess before marriage has now turned to hatred. This is contrary to the scriptures. 1 Jn. 2:9-11 declare that anyone who hates another Christian is a child of darkness. Are these two pastors truly followers of Christ. If you fail to follow Christ you will be in crisis. Could this be what is happening to then?
    The behavior of the couple portray them unqualified for the leadership roles they are holding. 1 Tim. 3:4 (NLT) states that a leader “must manage his own family well, with children who respect and obey him.” Verses 11-12 talk about faithfulness and self discipline.
    As for sanctity of marriage, although the scriptures say that the wife should accept the authority of the husband (1 Peter 3:1), the husband is also admonished to give honor to his wife and treat her with understanding as an equal in God’s gift of new understanding (v.7). Heb. 13:4 (NLT) says, “Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage…”
    Jesus said God did not support divorce, Mt. 19:4-9; Rm. 7:2-3. Freedom from law is not lawlessness. It simply means that the holy spirit is guiding your steps so as not to sin. That is those with the holy spirit will know the wrong from right. The couple should know this better than members of their congregations. If they are joined to the spirit of Lord they suppose to be one spirit with God, 1Cor. 6:17.
    There is no more love between the two because they are no longer in spirit with God. They are now at lust. Paul emphasised in Eph. 5:33 (NLT) “So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”
    It is never too late for the couple to go back to the drawing board and settle their differences amicably. There is no sin that cannot be forgiven in as much as God do forgive us our iniquities. They should ask for God’s wisdom. They need it to apply to their marriage. It takes two to tangle. A single person cannot be fighting alone.
    Let the spiritual leaders come into this matter. Afterall, blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called children of God, Mt. 5:9. It is high time they arrest this type of ugly and disgraceful act in the house of God.

  12. The lawyer is trying to be economical with the truth. The whole statements border at the fact that Pastor Chris is irresponsible and two of them now have love lost. 1 Peter 4:8 (NLT) states, “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covered a multitude of sins.”
    I wonder the type of love the couple in question are preaching to their congregations. The love they profess before marriage has now turned to hatred. This is contrary to the scriptures. 1 Jn. 2:9-11 declare that anyone who hates another Christian is a child of darkness. Are these two pastors truly followers of Christ. If you fail to follow Christ you will be in crisis. Could this be what is happening to then?
    The behavior of the couple portray them unqualified for the leadership roles they are holding. 1 Tim. 3:4 (NLT) states that a leader “must manage his own family well, with children who respect and obey him.” Verses 11-12 talk about faithfulness and self discipline.
    As for sanctity of marriage, although the scriptures say that the wife should accept the authority of the husband (1 Peter 3:1), the husband is also admonished to give honor to his wife and treat her with understanding as an equal in God’s gift of new understanding (v.7). Heb. 13:4 (NLT) says, “Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage…”
    Jesus said God did not support divorce, Mt. 19:4-9; Rm. 7:2-3. Freedom from law is not lawlessness. It simply means that the holy spirit is guiding your steps so as not to sin. That is, those with the holy spirit will know the wrong from right. The couple in question should know this better than members of their congregations. If they are joined to the spirit of Lord they suppose to be one spirit with God, 1Cor. 6:17.
    There is no more love between the two because they are no longer in spirit with God. They are now at lust. Paul emphasised in Eph. 5:33 (NLT) “So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”
    It is never too late for the couple to go back to the drawing board and settle their differences amicably. There is no sin that cannot be forgiven in as much as God do forgive us our iniquities. They should ask for God’s wisdom. They need it to apply to their marriage. It takes two to tangle. A single person cannot be fighting alone.
    Let the spiritual leaders come into this matter. Afterall, blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called children of God, Mt. 5:9. It is high time they arrestted this type of ugly and disgraceful act in the house of God.

  13. Sometimes iam concerned about how some folks feel one cannot stay without a woman a couple of times. May be bcos their hearts are probably dirty. And those of you naking comment out of your polluted minds and satanic influence take a moment and think first

  14. I dnt undastand what some pple A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ saying. Say D̶̲̥̅̊ truth and D̶̲̥̅̊ truth shall set U̶̲̥̅̊ free.They said he is only in london 4 their annual program nt bcos of his family. After God himself den ur family 4 God said “let no man put asunder” nt even God himself. It is easier 4 all doz pple who A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ supporting him 2 say wat they saying bcos they A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥nt in D̶̲̥̅̊ woman’s shoes. Pastor Anita, may God give U̶̲̥̅̊ D̶̲̥̅̊ strength 2 G̶̲̥̅Õ̳͡ thru dz.Pastor, I wonda how U̶̲̥̅̊’ll remove D̶̲̥̅̊ dirt in oda pple eyes wen urs is filled with dirt.Ur family is ur 1st church. Men of God shuld live a life dat is worth emulating. Let ur wives hanD̶̲̥̅̊le D̶̲̥̅̊ sisters in D̶̲̥̅̊ church. We A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ rily in D̶̲̥̅̊ endtime. Evry1 shuld b careful xpecially doz who are seeing or takin their pastor as their God 4 he said “I am a jealous God”.let the bible b ur guide and nt wat ur pastor says. May God help us all in Jesus name, amen

  15. I will judge…people need to be corrected with any means possible.16 years apart and he has been faithful? Was his body system created differently from other men? “Dagbo Pastor” Pastors nowadays are so worldly…no single fear for their work. In fact, if I choose to talk I’ll end up writing another oxford dictionary hia! Anita abeg no vex…Go look for better man when no go dey cheat on you oo!!!

  16. Dear pastor anita my advise if u truly love ur husby pastor chris u wil nt go into divourse and if u are truly anioted and feel by holy gost,I expect u to fight gd fight of faith and overcome,u sald it ur self 4 gd 16yrs pastor chris do nt hav ur tym,hmm I wil advise u to apologies to ur husby and ask 4 GOD forgivness and move on with ur life. Bcos soon u regret ur actn and it wil be to late .the new man dat is. Decievng u , to diovrsce is just decievng u, he want to used u u as an instrument etc ,secriety u better watch back b4 is to late ,don’t be a baby xtrian b4 u realised is a setup,I can believed u can fall 4 a text like this,chai am shrt of word. Ur princess .

  17. There is no problem without a solution,thy live apart for 16yrs,ll d wife come out boldly nd say she has nt cheated on d husband b4?
    We re humans weather you re a pst or nt,we all make mistakes,if d wife is truly. Saving God why can’t she forgive her husband instant of coming out nd criticism her husband.

  18. Irrespective of Wat d world says….I am an ardent follower of pastor Chris..cos he is ma grt man of God.its beta u close ur eyes to things lik dis concerning men of God or believe u me…u wil definitely pay for it…be careful of Wat u say or it will ruin u…I luv u pastor

  19. Still and ever praying for the Oyakhilomes. May the Wisdom and counsel of God fill ur hearts and restore your union. Most importantly I pray we all fulfill our calling in God’s plan. I’ll continually pray for u till my last breath or till the rapture. I love you both. Reference: Don’t pack your bags yet (Rev. Anita) Love Dimensions (Rev. Chris)