This Guy Is Going To Grab Coffee With Every Single One Of His 1,000 Facebook Friends


Australian student Matt Kulesza is looking to get some good, old-fashioned face time with his social media “friends.”

Over the next three years, Kulesza plans to get coffee with every single one of his more than 1,000 Facebook friends. He describes the “1000+ Coffees” project, which began in September, as an “exercise in remembering to socialise with and get to know people outside of the ‘book.”


As of Oct. 2, Kulesza had documented 26 caffeinated catch-up sessions on both hisFacebook and Tumblr pages, complete with photos, summaries of the conversations and descriptions of what they were drinking. According to, he’s aiming to schedule five every week.

“I don’t really see [the project] as a chore,” he told the Australian news website. “I enjoy having coffees with people.”

So far, Kulesza has learned a lot more about his Facebook friends than how they take their coffee. From world politics to pop culture to tarot card readings, it seems no topic is off the menu.

The project is also a challenge to the rest of us to put down our phones once in a while and connect with the real-life people in front of our real-life faces.

“I find it hilarious how in uni lectures if we’re waiting for the lecturer to arrive, everyone is on their phones, totally silent. No one is taking up that opportunity to talk to people or network. It’s so funny,” Kulesza told