Death-Wish: Daredevil Walks Rope Between Towers Without Harness


Daredevil Nik Wallenda walked across two buildings in Chicago without a rope or any safety net, he  performed one of them blindfolded while the crowd cheered and gasped. Pakistan Today reports that Wallenda had practiced “at a 15-degree angle but said the wire was actually at 19 degrees.”

It took Wallenda about six and a half minutes to walk the 454-foot (138-meter) stretch from the Marina City west tower to the top of a building on the other side of the river.

The next stage of Wallenda’s high-wire event he undertook blindfolded a 94-foot (28-meter) walk between the two Marina City towers. He made the stretch in little more than a minute.

The Discovery Channel used a 10-second delay for the broadcast, which would have allowed producers to cut away if anything went wrong.

Journalists covering the event signed waivers relinquishing their right to claim emotional distress if they witness a catastrophe.

Two of his previous televised tightrope walks over the brink of Niagara Falls in 2012 and across the Little Colorado River Gorge in 2013 drew about 13 million viewers each.
