Islamic State Plans To Start Minting Its Own Currency


The leader of the Islamic State (ISIS) group has ordered the terror organization to start minting gold, silver and copper coins for its own currency which they refer to as he “the Islamic dinar.” ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly instruct his followers to mint the coins so as to “change the tyrannical monetary system” modelled on Western economies that “enslaved Muslims.” Associated Press reports:

The order was approved by the Islamic State group’s Shura Council, an advisory board, according to the website. The authenticity of the posting could not be independently verified but the website has been used in the past for IS postings.

After seizing large swaths of Iraqi and Syrian territory earlier this year, the Islamic State group proclaimed a caliphate on lands under its control. It has also sought to implement its harsh interpretation of Islamic law, or Sharia, and al-Baghdadi has proclaimed himself the caliph.

According to photographs of coin prototypes, they carry the words in Arabic: “The Islamic State / A Caliphate Based on the Doctrine of the Prophet.”

It’s unclear where the Islamic State group intends to get the gold, silver and copper for the coins. It said the dinar’s purchasing power would be its weight in gold, silver or copper.
