Mum Allegedly Choked And Kidnapped Primary Five Pupil For Teasing Her Daughter


A Florida mother is facing criminal charges after she allegedly tried to kill an 11-year-old boy who teased her daughter. The Huffington Post reports:

Sandra Rivera, 28, overheard the student call her 9-year-old daughter a curse word on Thursday afternoon outside of their school in Orlando, WKMG reports. Rivera allegedly responded by grabbing the boy and choking him, forcing him into her vehicle, according to WFTV.

“I was terrified she was about to kill me. I could barely breathe,” the 5th-grader told WOKV. Police say she drove the boy to his mother’s house to inform her what her son had done. “This woman came to my house telling me she was choking my son,” Ana Baez, the boy’s mother, told WFTV.

Baez said she later was able to view surveillance footage from the school that showed Rivera grabbing her son and “punching him on the head.”

Rivera’s charged with battery and kidnapping. She told WFTV, “I’m not looking for justice to say I was right for what I did, but at the same time, I was taking one for my child.”
