How Housewife Disarms Armed Robbers With Hot Water In Lagos


Two suspected armed robbers, Quadri Lateef and Kayode Oduto, got more than they bargained for when they attacked the home of a Lagos housewife, who got angry at their effrontery and doused them with hot water, leading to their arrest and they are now in the custody of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), Ikeja. read more from Pulse:

Police investigators discovered that Lateef used to live in the area where they went to rob. It was gathered through interrogation that it was Lateef who told Oduto that he knew every nook and cranny of the area and was sure his knowledge would make the operation easy. Lateef picked a building, which he told Oduto was inhabited by a rich man, simply known as Mr Charles. When they reached the targeted building, the gate was locked, but the generator was on.

The two men quickly scaled the fence since they knew there were no dogs. Oduto switched off the generator and the two men took strategic positions. Oduto had a cut-to-size locally-made pistol, while Lateef had a toy gun. A few minutes after the generator went off, the owner of the house, Charles, stepped out of the house to find out what went wrong. Oduto pointed a gun at his head and herded him back into the house, while Lateef followed closely behind.

The robbers ordered the man to bring his money and gold. He told them that the money was in the master’s bedroom. As they were walking towards his bedroom, the man suddenly turned and grabbed Oduto, trying to dispossess him of the gun. Rather than assist his partner, a petrified Lateef just stood and watched.

The man was able to pin Oduto down. Lateef who had watched as his partner was pinned down, took to his heels.

The woman, who lives with her family at the Kollington area of Alagbado on the outskirts of Lagos, according to police reports, was boiling water to make ‘Poundo Yam’ for her family when the dare-devils struck, demanding for money and gold. As they were busy ransacking the apartment, the woman sneaked into her kitchen and came back with the boiling water which she poured on Oduto while her husband seized the opportunity to disarm him of his gun and pinned him down. Lateef sensing they were in danger, took to his heels but the woman and her husband’s screams alerted other residents who gave him a hot ursuit and apprehended him.