Man Hits Pregnant Girlfriend With His Car To Cause An Abortion


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A 33-year-old  Florida man who supposedly wanted his girlfriend to have an abortion took matters into his own hands when she refused, by hitting her with his vehicle hoping she could lose the fetus. LifeNews reported:

Justin Lee Colby was arrested after trying to run over his pregnant girlfriend with his car in order to kill the unborn baby. Colby was arrested on charges of attempted murder.

Fortunately, his girlfriend, Crystal Lynn Noordhuizen, who is seven months pregnant, suffered only minor injuries. According to police, the couple got into an argument around 1:00 p.m., and Noordhuizen left their home to stop it from escalating.  Shortly thereafter, Colby allegedly called Noordhuizen and asked: “Are you ready for your abortion date?”

Colby was seen driving his car onto to sidewalk were Noordhuizen was walking and attempted to run her over. Colby hit the woman before crashing into a pole. The entire incident was caught on video surveillance of a car dealership across the street.

After Colby hit the woman and the pole, he did not help her, but instead, he left the scene and went home. Noordhuizen was taken to a nearby hospital with minor injuries.