President Jonathan Wants Me Dead Before Elections – Fr. Mbaka

Ejike-MbakaEnugu-based Catholic Priest, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, on Thursday cried out to security agencies to protect him following alleged threats to his life, failure of which he said President Goodluck Jonathan should be held responsible if anything untoward happens to him.

The controversial catholic priest had in a recent sermon in his church, Adoration Ministry, accused the Jonathan and his wife, Patience, of being behind an alleged plot to assassinate him.

According to Mbaka, the president decided to assassinate him following a scathing sermon he delivered on New Year day at the Adoration Ground, where he preached against Jonathan’s re-election. He titled the sermon “From Good Luck to Bad Luck”.


Media Officer of the Adoration ministry, Ike Maximus Ugwuoke, in a statement on Thursday said President Jonathan wanted the spiritual coordinator of the ministry dead.

In the statement, which was titled “Jonathan Wants Me Dead Before The 2015 Elections”, Mbaka said the police had refused to act on the allegation he made.

The statement expressed concern at the insistence of the Enugu State Police Command that there was no report of any threat to Mbaka’s life.

Parts of the statement read, “It is with a deep sense of concern that we are constrained to make this statement on the continued threat to the life of Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka over his 2015 New Year message titled “From Good Luck to Bad Luck.

“The Enugu State Police Command has refuted claims by Fr. Mbaka that his life is in danger.

“It dismissed Fr. Mbaka’s outcry over threat to his life as baseless.

“The Police Public Relations Officer, Mr Ebere Amarizu, DSP, was quoted as saying, ‘We do not have any report by Fr. Mbaka over threat to his life. We have not received any complaint from him’.

“On the backdrop of the above, one begins to wonder whether the alarm raised by Fr. Mbaka on an alleged plot to kill him was a mere rhetoric as the police had made it to appear merely because there has not been an official report to the police over it.

“Absence of a formal report on threat to one’s life doesn’t negate the reality of such threat more so when the victim had made a public outcry on this issue.

“To argue otherwise is akin to denying the fact of death in the face of a man’s corpse merely because there is no certificate certifying his death…

“Yesterday (Wednesday) strange hoodlums in a black Hilux besieged his parish compound but they left disappointed when they could not see him.

“Wherever and whoever this threat is coming from, we state that there are strong and compelling circumstances pointing towards the fact that Fr. Mbaka’s latest attacks were stemming from his said 2015 New Year message, which was not favourable to the President Goodluck Jonathan-led administration”.


  1. It is unfortunate that Fr. Mbaka is shouting and crying wolf where there is none. What baffles me is why he wants to play and behave like Elijah , when he ran from Jezebel and Ahab. If his enus is not wide enough why is he eating udala. Does the scripture ask you to attack and abuse people in power? It rather enjoins us to pray for those in power. Because you have violated the Word of God, His protection over you has been broken
    Does the scripture not tell us that, who so breaks the hedge the serpent will bite? You can run but cannot hide. Your sin is pursuing after you. Ask for mercy and live. President Jonathan is not after you as he has more pressing and important things to do. God bless Nigeria.

  2. It is time for Reverend Father Ejike Mbaka to shut up and face the vocational duties he signed up for. What the country needs at this critical time is for influencers such as Mbaka to calm frayed nerves and preach the gospel of peace. If he has evidence that the president is planning to kill him, he knows where to go with such concerns. He has proven to already have divine bullet-proof body covering so one wonders why he bothers to panic if there is indeed a plan to assassinate him.

    In 2006, after he accused then Enugu State Governor Chimaroke Nnamani of sponsoring an armed robbery attack on him, also in a bid to assassinate him, he went on to say: “God miraculously delivered me. I called on Jesus and his mother to provide angels for me…The Holy Bible on the dashboard of the vehicle trapped the bullets fired at me. There is power in the Bible. If you don’t have a Bible, go now and buy one.”

    So, my dear Reverend Father Mbaka, please shut up and go now to buy a new bible.

  3. its a shame, that a man that calls himself priest of God will condescend so low as to rubbish himself. however , the word of God in ROMANS 16;17 say I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the
    teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.

  4. Honestly I don’t know what this father Mbaka is looking for,Is he trying to use GEJ to gain more popularity or what,God has giving him a bigger Job so let him face his ministry and stop making all this unnecessary noise that will not help him,that was how he said that Enugu state former Gov Chimaroke will not enter the state house the second time,but to his own shame Chimaroke entered and finished his second term,I think dis man should be advice to shut up his mouth and mind his
    own business or maybe he should join politic

  5. Father mbaka u av succeeded in putting ur life in d hands of unknown enemies. An opposition might end up killing u and u will put d blame on d president. Pls be careful wat u say or do in public. I think as a leader in d church u are supposed to pray for divine help and not talking about badluck on d president unless u where paid to do so. Me I don’t even trust u again, maybe d glory has departed from u, its only God that knows.

  6. Touch not my annointed and do my prophet no harm I don’t c anything bad in what mbaka said and anoda thing is dat we hav different temperament.when it comes to d issue of a man of God don’t Just open ur mouth and say anything u like. He said holy spirit told him so u don’t hav to start castigating him for saying d mind of He who sent him ok .if he’s lying its left with him and God.

  7. Please Rev. Father, I beg of you leave nigeria politics alone for politicians. They will rubbish you and leave you to sink down alone with your ministry. Pray for the politicians that we have and do not join them. Reject their money if they give it to you. Do the things of the Bible. Politicians will turn you to be a liar and inturn, the Holy Spirit of God will leave you and you will be without God’s Power and Protection. Please Father Mbaka leave politics and its wealth (vanity).

  8. Well, is only people wit spiritual eyes dat sees spiritual things… Mbaka as we know is the voice that speaks 4 d poor masses. That dos not permit him 2 insult mr president, niether has he don such. He only said that if the president can not protect the subject, He should honourably resign. He campained 4 no body cus He is not a partizon. What if Mbaka says dat Buhari being voted wil islamize this country? Yes dis is d expectation of many Nigerian 2 be prophesied. The way of God is not like dat. Mbaka never said dat buhari will win. So this man of God should not be threatened for any reason, to avoid wat hapened between Prophet Moses and the Egyptian’s Army. So, I spell Zechariah 2:5 upon Mbaka in God He is protected…

  9. It is awful that Fr. Mbaka is yelling and telling a shameful lie where there is none. What confuses me is the reason he needs to play and act like Elijah , when he ran from Jezebel and Ahab. In the event that his enus is not sufficiently wide why is he eating udala. Does the scripture request that you assault and ill-use individuals in force? It rather urges us to petition God for people with significant influence. Since you have disregarded the Word of God, His assurance over you has been broken

    Does the scripture not let us know that, who so breaks the support the serpent will chomp? You can run however can’t stow away. Your wrongdoing is seeking after you. Request kindness and live. President Jonathan is not after you as he has all the more squeezing and essential things to do. God favor Nigeria.

  10. The time it now, time for Reverend Father Ejike Mbaka to quiet down and face the professional obligations he needed. What the nation needs at this basic time is for influencers, for example, Mbaka to cool frayed nerves and lecture the good news of peace. On the off chance that he has proof that the president is wanting to murder him, he knows where to run with such concerns. He has demonstrated to as of now have awesome slug evidence body covering so one miracles why he tries to frenzy if there is to be sure an arrangement to kill him.

  11. The same Fr Mbaka denounced then Enugu State Governor Chimaroke Nnamani of supporting an outfitted burglary assault on him, likewise in an offer to kill him, he went ahead to say: “God marvelously conveyed me. I approached Jesus and his mom to give heavenly attendants to me… The Holy Bible on the dashboard of the vehicle caught the slugs terminated at me. There is power in the Bible. In the event that you don’t have a Bible, go now and purchase one.”

  12. Fr Mbaka should mind His Ministry n Pray for Boko Haram to Stop in Nigeria, not Jonathan.
    Goodluck Jonathan can’t b everywhere to work because He has done his own part by Disbursing monthly allocations to State Governments to work for d state with d money. Goodluck can’t b in Aso Rock n In Enugu @ d same time to supervise works to b done by d state government.

  13. Let’s not castigate man of God. You remember that even King David had the chance to kill King Saul because of the anointing he didn’t do it. Allow God to handle him(Mbaka) His own way. Yes it’s an obligation for a Christian in the Bible to pray for the leaders.Also we are expected to obey those in authority. Confirm Romans 13:1-7. God bless Nigeria and GEJ, in Jesus name. Amen.

  14. Let God be d judge. I’m nt hia 2 support anybody buh all I hv 2 say is dat we sud leav evrytin in God’s hands, He knwz best. As 4 those laying curses n abuses on Mbaka, hv it in mind dt nomata wot hapns, he still remainz a priest. “touch nt God’s anointed n do His prophets no harm”

  15. It’s so bad for those castigating Mbaka for being against the corrupt govt of GEJ….. it tells me that most of you don’t know the scripture……. THE GOVT AT THE TIME OF JESUS WAS SO BAD.and JESUS used to tell them woe to you Pharisees etc