Students Injured As Militants Attack Potiskum Again

A suicide bomber blows himself up in a car at the business college
A suicide bomber blows himself up in a car at the business college

While the military continue to record gains against terrorists in Sambisa Forest, stronghold of Islamist group Boko Haram, College of Administrative and Business Studies in Potiskum, Yobe State has been attacked by two militants.

At least six students were seriously injured by gunfire, but dozens more were hurt as they tried to escape.

One of the two militants was the gunman, the other a suicide bomber, who blew himself up in the car park.


Although no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, Boko Haram has been fingered by many as responsible, having carried out similar raids in the town.

The students were injured after jumping out of windows and over walls following the gunshots, the Associated Press news agency quoted a hospital worker to have said.

The gunman had since been arrested by the police, the BBC reports.