Boko Haram Militants Kill Again In Borno


At least 20 people were today killed when Boko Haram militants attackedĀ Debiro, a village in Hawul Local government area of Borno state just hours after over 20 people were killed in suicide attacks that hit Maiduguri, the state capital.

The terrorists stormed the villageĀ on motorcycles and pick-up vans burning down homes and shooting indiscriminately at the villagers.

ā€œā€™It was in the afternoon time when we started hearing gunshots and people were running helter-skelter, there was confusion everywhere, some were shot dead and many had their throats slit. We were helpless as our foodstuffs were carted away by the rampaging militants who later burnt down most of the houses in our village,ā€ Sahara Reporters quoted a fleeing resident to have said.
Ā ā€I canā€™t say tell you the correct number of people killed, but at least 20 people including women had their throats slit.ā€
Boko Haram attacks have intensified since President Muhammadu took over power on May 29. He has already taken actions, including strengthening the coalition with its partners in the fight against the terrorists.
Buhari today accepted an invitation from President Paul Biya of Cameroon to visit the country at his earliest convenience for talks on the intensification of cooperation between Nigeria and neighbouring countries in the war against Boko Haram and terrorism.
The terrorists have killed more than 15,000 people in its six-year campaign of violence in Nigeria.