Pay Off Your Debt Without Trading Your Asset

Personal Loans Banner
The need for money sometimes arises without prior warning, other times our revenue expectations do not quite materialize the way we planned. Unfortunately, our expenses never seem to get the memo. There are school fees to be paid, house rent way past due, car needs to be fixed, and the rains are opening up roofs like no man’s business. With all these pressing needs crying for financial attention, obtaining a collateral-free personal loan from Rosabon is the stress-free and the fastest way out.

You must have heard of that one person who lost his/her property, property he/she worked really hard to acquire, all to a loan that went bad. This is an absolutely avoidable situation with the Rosabon personal loan which allows you to access up to 1million naira cash to meet your personal needs without having to use any of your assets as collateral.

All you need is proof of employment and a stable flow of income.

This loan can be accessed within a 48 hour period once eligibility status is confirmed and repayment plan is structured for up to a period of 8months, lifting the pressure of bulk repayment off you.

Rosabon financial services has been in business for over 20 years, a trusted financial intermediary with a wealth of experts who follow you through the process and ensure that no area of the transaction is grey to you.

For more information on how to obtain a loan and to find out more about the different financial products you can benefit from, kindly visit or call our Client service lines on +2347046533688, +2347046523346