Ghanaian Comedian, DKB – “Bob Okala Is The Boss But It Is Our Time”


Famous Ghanaian comedian, Derrick Kobina Bonney aka DKB has revealed in an interview with Metro 90.5 that Bob Okala is the boss in the comedy industry but “in this computer world, it is his time now“.

I saw Bob Okala when I was in class five (5) that was ‘Key Soap Concert party’, so he is still the Boss but in this computer world it is our time in comedy“, he added.

The 2-time Arts Critics Reviewers Association of Ghana (ACRAG) award-winning comedian, Samuel Kwadwo Buabeng popularly known in the showbiz circles as Bob Okala said he has no match when it comes to stand-up comedy in Ghana.

However, the host of Lighter Note on TV3, added, “Comedy this days involve learning specially one need to be read, write and in all active in English speaking, because we are in modern world, but not for school dropout as it is said in the past, that is why you will see learned people who have passion and talented in the comedy industry”.

DKB advised the youth to develop their passion into a profitable venture and forgetting about the negative comments and discouragements from people.

He said every comedian is a ‘fool’ but they should participate if they have talent and passion in comedy,” through comedy Basket mouth now have cars, building and enjoying life”.