Half Of Naval Ships Are Grounded – CNS


The Chief of Naval Chief (CNS) Vice Admiral Ibok Ette-Ibas today revealed that 50 percent of Nigerian Navy (NN) platforms are grounded.

Speaking at the naval base, Apapa, during his maiden familiarisation tour of units and commands in the Lagos area, the CNS noted that most of the problems with the grounded vessels were avoidable. He, therefore, appealed to naval personnel to handle public properties with utmost care.

The CNS reminded his personnel that misusing government property negatively robs off on the force because fund that would be used for other things are expended on maintenance. He, therefore, warned them against conniving or aiding oil thieves and illegal bunkerers, adding that the menace must be contained.

“50 percent of our platforms are down and most of the causes of the problem are avoidable. You are aware of the meagre resources and I expect that those handling any equipment or posted onboard ships should be able to maintain them, such that the best is obtained.

“We must start handling government property with care, as we would our personnel properties. When we handle government property carelessly, we are short-changing ourselves because the money we supposed to use for something else would be used for repairs,” he said.

“I, the CNS will not involve myself in any illegal act and I will not tolerate it. Nobody will or should use my name to perpetrate any illegal operation.

“If you find yourself in a tight corner, contact me, most of you have my phone number and it is that same number I am using.

“If those engage in these vices are your friends, for your good, disengage from them. For those who are willing to toll the path of honour, feel free to call my number.

“The nation is loosing a lot through illegal activities and we must stop it. We must tackle crude oil theft and other fraudulent practices at sea.

“If the menace at sea is contained, there will be more revenue for the country, which means more money may come to the navy to address some shortcomings.

“Laxity of the past will no longer be tolerated, the navy must live up to its constitutional responsibility,” Ibas stated.