Islamic State Leader Baghdadi ‘Raped Kayla Mueller’


An American aid worker who was killed in February while held hostage by Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria, was sexually abused by the group’s top leader, US officials told ABC news. Kayla Mueller, 26, was repeatedly raped by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, they said.

Counter-terrorism officials made her family aware of the abuse in June. Mueller was abducted while working in Aleppo, Syria, in 2013. IS said she was killed in a Jordanian air strike, but the US blames IS for her death.


“We were told Kayla was tortured, that she was the property of Baghdadi. We were told that in June by the government,” her parents, Carl and Marsha, told ABC News.

Baghdadi personally took the humanitarian aid worker to the home of another senior IS member – Abu Sayyaf – who was in charge of IS oil and gas until his death in a US special forces operation in May, ABC news, citing US officials, reports. The channel said he regularly visited the compound where she was being held and repeatedly assaulted her.