Mark Canvasses More Improved Funding For Education


Former Senate President, David Mark has called for improved funding for the education sector in the country in order to save the upcoming generation from oppression and manipulation.

“Education for all is my passion; my prayer is that we improve the sector through improved funding so that every Nigerian of school age can be educated and saved from manipulation and oppression,” said Mark at the flag-off of the 2014/2015 Senator David Mark Scholarship Foundation (DMSF) Awards in Otukpo, Benue State where N50 million was given out to indigent students.


Mark also called on public spirited individuals to avail indigent young Nigerians scholarships to acquire formal education so as to improve themselves.

“Likewise, this foundation was set up to avail students in our state financial assistance to aid their education; I urge good-spirited persons to also emulate this by sponsoring at least two students in our communities, it will go a long way to eliminate ignorance in the society,” he added.

At least 15,700 students in tertiary and elementary schools in Benue State and beyond have benefitted from David Mark Scholarship Foundation totaling about N500 million since 2007.

An average of N50 million is awarded as scholarship to students from primary to tertiary levels of Benue State origin and beyond annually under the foundation.

Mark reiterated that the scholarship now under a foundation would outlive him because “it is a legacy dear to me.” He used the occasion to express appreciation to the Federal Government for approving the new University of Medical Sciences sited in his Otukpo, Benue state country home.

Speaking earlier, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of DMSF, Prof. James Alachi said the scholarship scheme which started in 2005 with a token of N5,000 per student has increased to N20,000 per beneficiary in 2015. This does not include the over 1,000 indigent students on full scholarship, he explained.