Khloe Kardashian – “I’ll Always Love Lamar Odom”


In a new chat with Yahoo Instyle, Khloe Kardashian revealed that she’ll always love Lamar Odom.

When asked about her relationship with NBA player, James Harden, the star said, “I mean, I don’t know. I’m dating, obviously. James,” “But I haven’t really spoken a lot about him. I’ve learned from experience you just never know what happens in life. I’ve chosen to keep things closer to my heart until I figure it out. I love hard, I love who I love, and I don’t make any qualms about it. And I can’t wait for that to happen. I think I was so open and honest about my relationship with Lamar — which I don’t regret for a second; it was the best time of my life. But because you can’t just show these wonderful things and then not show the other stuff — like ‘Oh! Lamar disappeared!’ I had to explain I was going through a divorce, and people appreciate that and relate to it,” she pauses. “And we also had a great love story, so I think people want to see that for me again.”

On where her relationship with James stood, Khloe replied saying, “Right now, at this moment — I can’t even tell you what’s going to happen in 30 minutes, which I’ve learned recently — but James and I are great, and we’re on a great page. As of this moment, he’s been very supportive. He and I are doing just fine.” If anything, the past few weeks have cemented her theory that with a relationship, less is more. “Not everyone needs to know everything about you — I know that sounds crazy coming from me. There’s already so much access to [my family], I wanted to keep a little percentage of my life just for me.”

In Khloé’s view, the assumption that their stalled divorce papers meant she and Odom were back on was shortsighted.

“There is so much more medically and emotionally that we have to go through in order to even think about anything romantically,” she said. “This is a very serious situation with a lot of layers. He has a long road ahead of him, and I will be there by his side. I will always love him unconditionally,” she said firmly. That will never waver coming from me. Khloe added.