Resign Or Face Impeachment, Constitutional Lawyer Tells President Buhari

Founder of, Ms Carol Ajie
Founder of, Ms Carol Ajie

A constitutional lawyer and founder of, Ms Carol Ajie has petitioned US President Barrack Obama, the National Judicial Council (NJC) amongst others, over President Muhammadu Buhari’s perceived disobedience of court orders.

This came following Buhari’s statement during a presidential media chat in Abuja that the former National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd) and the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mr. Nnamdi Kanu were being held against court orders because they could run away.

The human rights lawyer expressed concern that if unchecked, President Buhari may drag Nigeria towards dictatorship.

“Buhari took the oath of allegiance to protect the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the President’s oath of office to discharge his duties faithfully, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of Nigeria.

“Within President Buhari’s first year in office, too soon after he took the revered oaths, he and state agents acting under his supervision and at his maiden media chat on Wednesday 30th December, made puerile attempts to justify constitutional breaches.

“But under the Immigration Act, the President or the Minister may deport anyone who travels without a valid travel document or detain for a period not exceeding seven days. In holding Kanu beyond the required period, they have infracted on the Immigration Act, the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 and subsisting court orders.

“We call on President Buhari to resign from office or face impeachment proceedings. Alternatively, to avoid another Burundi, We call on him to comply with the orders of courts,” said the lawyer in her petition,” Ajie said.