UNBELIEVABLE!!! Twins Born In Different Years


An unusual pair of twins who were born on separate days were also brought into the world in different years. The baby girl and baby boy of Maribel and Luis Valencia were born just around the peak of New Year’s Eve at 11:59 p.m. and the first minutes of New Year’s Day at 12:02 a.m., respectively.

“It’s very unusual and it’s very special,” Lynnette Coetzee, a nurse at the San Diego Kaiser Permanente Zion Medical Center told NBC San Diego. “And I haven’t seen it in all my 34 years of nursing,” she added.

Mother Maribel Valencia initially expected to deliver the children via cesarean-section on Jan. 6, but her doctor urged her to deliver the sons as soon as possible, reports by NBC and WKBW say. Father Luis Valencia told the latter outlet their son was breeched, meaning his body was positioned feet-first in the womb.

Both babies, named Jaelyn and Luis, were born safely. “I was not really expecting two, so it’s a big blessing to have two of them, boy and a girl for New Year’s,” the father said.