Obasanjo Visits Oluwo Of Iwo, Preaches Peace, Unity Among Yorubas

OBJ-OLUWO-OF-IWOExcitement filled the air in the ancient town of Iwo in Osun State as former President Olusegun Obasanjo Friday, visited the newly-crowned monarch, Oba AbdulRasheed Adewale Akanbi.

The ex-president was received by a mammoth crowd of residents, who were caught unawares by the visit.

The security team attached to the former Nigerian leader reportedly had a hectic time creating way for his convoy to gain entry into the palace due to the heavy presence of residents, who thronged the main gate to receive Mr. Obasanjo.

Speaking at the palace, the ex-president, who described his visit to the town as a necessity, said his coming was aimed at paying homage to the new monarch and strengthening the existing peace among the Yoruba.

Mr. Obasanjo, who also attributed the existing peace, unity, progress and tranquility in Yoruba land to what he regarded as continuous efforts being exhibited by the peace-loving people in the West, said the time had come for all to be united.

The former president hailed Yoruba monarchs for maintaining the peaceful coexistence and mutual relationship among the people, saying the main virtues that can make a nation great are peace and love.

Describing the new Oluwo as an experienced man and distinguished technocrat, the elder statesman said his emergence as Oluwo of Iwo was a clear manifestation of his sincerity and passion for development.

He, therefore, commended the people of the town for brilliantly and painstakingly choosing a man whose antecedents can key into the desired development of his people.

The former Nigerian leader advised the monarch to use his exalted position to reposition the town and foster togetherness among his subjects, Yoruba land and Nigeria as a whole.

“My visit to Iwo is to pay a due homage to the new monarch and as well strengthen the existing peace among we Yorubas, Mr. Obasanjo said.

He continued: “I am here today to show that we Yorubas are one and as far as we are concerned we shall continue to be more united and mutually fostered.

“To me, I believe that nothing is as good as living in peace and I also believe that the existing peace in Yoruba land can only be continually enjoyed if we see the need to be our brother’s keepers and extend love to one another.

“To me, Iwo has chosen a right man as king and I am optimistic that his reign will usher in development, peace, unity, progress and tranquility.

“In view of this, I want the new Oluwo to prioritize peace, unity and togetherness as veritable instruments to culminate all-round success and transformation”.

Obasanjo, therefore, prayed for continuous peace and tranquility in all parts of Yoruba land, Nigeria, Africa and the entire world.

In his remarks, the Oluwo extolled the virtues of the ex-president in keeping peace among the Yoruba nation.

Oba Akanbi, who described Mr. Obasanjo as an agent of peace, promised to continuously maintain the existing peace and place Yoruba’s image on global pages.

The monarch, who expressed delight on the visit, said the presence of the ex-president in the town symbolized the high sense of love, peace and unity reigning among the Yorubas.

He, therefore, reassured his subjects of his total commitment to turning around the economy of the ancient town for the greater benefit of all and well-being of the entire indigenes.