7 Interesting Reasons Why Some Nigerians Prefer Court Weddings

A long time ago, court wedding were seen as a form of marriage for folks who want to elope but nowadays, whether would-be couples enjoy the support of their parents on theirĀ marriage or not, whether they plan to elope or not, whether they plan to have a church wedding or traditional wedding, many of them still want to have a court wedding. Wondering why this is so, INFORMATION NIGERIA has put together a set of reasons why many Nigerians have embraced this type of weddingā€¦


Less stressful:Ā Sometimes planning a big wedding with a long guest list can feel overwhelming, especially when you feel the need to please everyone but with courtĀ wedding, you only have to invite a few close family members and friends and after the registry session probably just head out for a small reception somewhere.Ā When you get married at the courthouse you can save yourself a whole lot of headache, tears, and even an argument or two!

No family objection: Sometimes when family members object to a personā€™s spouse and swear never to support or attend their wedding, the court wedding is sometimes the only other option. As long as youā€™re an adult as recognised by law, all you need isĀ to invite two witnesses.

Fast: The goodĀ thing about getting married at the courthouse is how quick it is and that it gives you more time to run around the city and haveĀ fun as the process is fast and precise.

Cheap:Ā Getting married at the courthouse can save you hundreds if not thousands of naira, and just because you get married at the courthouse doesnā€™t mean you still canā€™t have a reception or a small gathering at a nice restaurant afterwards. ItĀ cuts down on the cost of having a big guest list, invitations, and other items.

Security: The court wedding protects both the man and woman but especially the woman. Some Nigerian men can be very polygamous in nature but the law states that if you practise bigamy, the punishment is 5 year imprisonment. Note: Bigamy is when you go ahead and marry someone else when you are still married to the person you married in court.

White gown tradition:Ā Getting married at the courthouse means you can feel more comfortable to wear something that isnā€™t a white gown. Brides have no choice when it comes to white gowns in church weddings but a bride in a court wedding can wear her favourite ankara dress and everyone is happy.

Short notice: Unlike other form of Nigerian weddings that take time, energy and so much money to plan, a courthouse wedding doesnā€™t. In fact intending couples could even marry on a very short notice.Ā All you need to do, is to go and book on the day you want it done and thatā€™s all to it.

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