Armed Youths Arrested For Blowing Up Agip Pipeline

A group of armed youths from Ikienghenbiri community in Bayelsa State have been arrested for allegedly blowing up a major oil pipeline line owned by Agip with dynamites.

The armed men, who attacked the pipeline in the swamp of Azuzuama-Ikienghenbiri axis of the trunk conveying the crude oil from Tebidaba to Brass terminal, were allegedly led by youths identified as Suoyou, Iyelawei and Fyneboy.

The state Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Jonathan Obuebite, in a statement, said that the pipeline vandals were apprehended by youths of Azuzuama community, who got wind of the attack.

“The armed men vandalized the pipeline along Azuzuama-Ikienghenbiri axis of the Tebidaba-Brass pipeline with dynamites and also ignited fire on the line. The vandalized point is still on fire,” Vanguard quoted a source to have said.

Reports say there is a conflict between two armed groups in the state for ‘access’ to the crude pipeline. One group claims to be working to safeguard the pipeline and said that members of the other group are vandals.