Bomb Explosion At Turkish Wedding Party Leaves 30 Dead


At least 30 people have been reportedly killed and 94 others were wounded at an outdoor wedding in Turkey following a bomb attack blamed on Isis.

A suspected suicide bomber targeted the outdoor party in the Turkish city of Gaziantep yesterday, President Tayyip Erdogan confirmed in a statement condemning the attack.


Mr Erdogan said it was likely Islamic State militants had carried out the late-night bombing, which hit when a large group of people from a wedding party took to the streets in celebration.

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said the attack had turned the wedding “into a place of mourning”.

He said: “No matter what this treacherous terror organisation is called, we as the people, the state, and the government will pursue our determined struggle against it.”

This latest bomb blast occurs just days after one occured in which six people were killed.

SEE: Bomb Blasts In Turkey Leave Six Dead