SOKAPU President Weighs In On Herdsmen Crisis


Clashes between herdsmen and farmers have become increasingly common in many parts of Nigeria as the struggle over grazing rights and access to water becomes more paramount.These clashed are largely blamed on Fulani herdsmen, a semi-nomadic group who go about the country in search of where their cattle can graze.

Farmers blame the Fulanis for failing to control their cattle and of damaging crops where as  the Fulani blame farmers for stealing their cattle and  insist they are only trying to defend themselves and preserve their traditional way of life.

Following the incessant case of attacks in recent times, people are saying that the Fulanis are a threat to the nation and if nothing is done  the clashes could become more violent.

In a statement issued by the National President of SOKAPU, Barr. Solomon Kaptain Musa, which was made available to newsmen in Kaduna, over what he termed, ” Existential threats” to citizens of Southern Kaduna due to incessant attacks by herdsmen in the area. He wrote;

“it is with great sadness, anguish and grief that this press release is being issued today. A couple of weeks ago, precisely the first week of June, 2016, the village of Ninte, GodoGodo District of Jema’a Local Government was savagely attacked by herdsmen, two villagers were killed, several were injured and all the 300 houses in the village were burnt down. That attack typified similar savage, brutal and barbaric attacks on several villages in Southern Kaduna.”

“Lawful citizens of our communities are attacked in their homes, farmlands, bushes, road and villages at all times of the day. The attacks have become a recurring decimal in our peaceful and law abiding communities where thousands have been gruesomely murdered without provocation, cause or justification of any nature.

And just like everything in Nigeria,the violence has begun to have a play on the Nigerian politics as people are saying that because President Muhammadu Buhari is a Fulani,he  has refused to act on the problem.

Something must be done to avoid further occurrence of this ugly situation.