Today In Nigerian History;26th August

President Muhammadu Buhari

On this day in 2015;President  Muhammadu Buhari accused past administrations of allowing the infrastructure in the oil sector to collapse to enable their cronies steal by importing refined products.

The President, who made the accusation while speaking at a meeting with the Chairman and members of the Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and Fiscal Commission, RMAFC, lamented “the current situation in which Nigeria is forced to spend billions of Naira annually on alleged subsidies for petroleum products.”

Also on this day in 2015;Fourteen persons, including 11 women from the same family, in Dan Gunu village,  perished in a boat mishap in River Sarkin Pawa, Niger State.

And on this day in 2013;Former governor  of Delta State Emmanuel Uduaghan, said, that guild editors would be held responsible should Nigeria break up.

Consequently, he charged the editors to be mindful of the kind of  reports they churned out for public consumption..