Use ‘Buy Now’ on Efritin for FREE delivery within 24 hours


Buy Now’ is a newly introduced service on Efritin that enables quick safe, easy and FREE delivery of items bought on the site within 24 hours.

This service has been introduced to ease the safety and convenience issues around online classifieds transactions in the country. What this means now is that no matter your location, you can buy any item from the variety of ads listed on the site and it will be delivered to your doorstep within 24 hours. All you have to do is click on the “Buy Now” button on the ad.


Items you can purchase via the “Buy Now’ service include mobile phones, clothing, fashion & beauty products, home appliances, and electronics among others.

Buy Now gives you:

  • Access to a variety of your favourite items  in one place from more sellers directly on Efritin
  • Opportunity to buy your items on Efritin with just the click of a button
  • Absolutely FREE delivery. Quick, safe and easy to your DOORSTEP within 24 hours. No hidden charges.
  • Opportunity to pay for your items when they are delivered to you and after inspection.
  • The complete marketplace experience at your convenience and without stress


To get started, this is how Buy Now works:

  • Click on the Buy Now button on the item you want to purchase and fill in your details.
  • Efritin calls you to arrange a delivery time.
  • Efritin picks up the item from the seller and delivers it to you for FREE within 24 hours.
  • You inspect the item and pay for it if you’re satisfied.

Buy Now was introduced by Efritin as reinforcement of their commitment to creating sustainable value for users. So far, over two thousand transactions have been completed and delivered to users with the Buy Now service.