Sad!!!! Couple lose set of twins in motor accident after 17 years of bareness

A couple based in Nasarawa State, identified as Mercy and Shedrack Audu,  finally got children to call their own  when the lord answered their prayers on the 7th of November 2016, blessing  them with a set of twins ( a boy and girl) christened Joseph and Philomena, after 17 years of waiting.

Basking in the euphoria of the arrival of their precious babies, Shedrack, a lecturer at Nasarawa State Polytechnic and his wife went to Makurdi, Benue State, on the invitation of his bosom friend, Fidelis Mbaka, to show him their bundles of joy.

On the scheduled date, Monday, April 17, 2017, the couple set out with the babies at about 10.30am aboard a commuter vehicle, which took off from the Lafia motor park en-route Makurdi.

Then, the unexpected happened a few kilometres to their destination. A 911 vehicle loaded with yam coming from the opposite direction rammed into their vehicle, killing 7 persons on the spot including their 5-month old twin babies.

However, the couple were the only survivors, rescued and rushed to the hospital. They were recently certified fit and discharged.

“My brother, life is worthless and meaningless to me now; I have surrendered my life to God. I am 50 years old while my wife is 42; we have allowed God to do His wish.

I met my wife in 1998 at the University of Jos where I was studying for my Master’s degree; she was a student. We dated for a year and got married.


Three years after our marriage, there was no pregnancy and we became worried; we visited the hospital for medical checkup and after a detailed examination, it was discovered that she did an abortion in 1997 through a quack doctor, which affected her womb.

Shedrack lamented while speaking to Sun Newspaper, From that time till 2016, we were in and out of the hospital trying to see how she could conceive to no avail. I rejected IVF method. We remained faithful to God until February 2016, when she conceived naturally. We were extremely happy, but God has taken them away.”

Soure: ( Instablog9ja )