Five Categories Of People That Have Crippled Nigeria’s Refineries – Senator Sani

Shehu Sani
Senator Shehu Sani

The refineries in the country have continued to remain in a state of comatose, with incoming governments making bigger promises than the previous.

Nigerians have decried the state of the refineries, making pleas to the government to fix them but nothing seems to have been done.

The lawmaker who represented Kaduna Central in the 8th Senate, Senator Shehu Sani has shed light on the categories of people who have rendered the refineries dead in the country.


In a tweet on Sunday morning, the former lawmaker wrote: “The refineries are crippled by five categories of people; those who want them sold, those who want to buy them, those who import, those who benefit from the importation of petroleum products and the Turn around maintenance gang.”