El-Zakzaky’s Brother Envious Of Our Leader’s Achievement — IMN

Shiites Leader, el-zakzaky
IMN Leader, El-Zakzaky

The academic forum of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), has reacted to claims made by Mohammed Yakoob, brother of Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, against the group, saying he is only of being jealous of their leader.

Abdullahi Musa, secretary of the group said described El-Zakzaky’s brother’s as “shameless” for making such comment.

Yakoob had accused his brother of joining the Shi’ia sect because of money, adding that the IMN is a terrorist group and its proscription by the federal government was perfect.


Read Also: Shi’ites Reject El-Zakzaky’s Bail Conditions

Yakoob also accused the IMN leader of being responsible for his “misfortunes”.

Speaking with theCable, he said, “It is just a shameless statement made by the old man. They are jealous that he has millions of followers,” he said.

“How much will Tehran give for someone to sacrifice his life for God sake, how much? He lost his children, his property burnt to ash.

“In Christianity, you have the Catholics who are linked to Rome, will you say because they practice [Catholicism] they are being sponsored?”