Nothing Good About Shi’ites — El-Zakzaky’s Brother Reveals

Shiites Leader, el-zakzaky
IMN Leader, El-Zakzaky

Sheikh Muhammad Yakubu, brother of Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky, the leader of Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), otherwise known as Shi’ites, has made some shocking revelations about the group.

While reacting to the recent proscription of IMN by the Federal Governmen, he said it was long overdue.

El-Zakzaky’s elder brother, who is also the Zaria Branch Chairman of Izalatul Bid’ia wa Ikamatus sunna, urged the federal government to go further by disbanding the Shi’ite sect.

Speaking with The Nation newspaper, Shiekh Yakubu said there was a lot of similarities between IMN, the Shi’ite sect, and Boko Haram insurgency, adding that both Boko Haram’s Abubakar Shekau, and El-Zakzaky are terrorists.

Read Also: Bullets Lodged In El-Zakzaky’s Body Since 2015 Have Not Been Removed — Falana

The elder brother of the IMN leader said he(El Zakzaky) is responsible for his own troubles saying he was warned when he started propagating “his dangerous Shi’ite doctrine.”

He said: “As you may be aware, El-Zakzaky is my blood brother. We were given birth to by the same father. While growing up, before he started this journey into Shi’ism, I didn’t have any close friend apart from him. We did everything together. We studied together in Islamic school.

“We warned him seriously to desist when he started this Shi’ism ideology. I personally warned him several times, and when he refused, I had to abandon him. So, whatever the authorities might have done to him, he caused it for himself.”

“There is nothing good about Shi’ism. These people are supposed to have been proscribed a long time ago, but the government waited until they are now causing havoc.

“In the entire world, where has the Chief of Army Staff ever been blocked on the way and denied right of passage? Since the time Shi’ites people did that to the Nigerian Chief of Army Staff, they were supposed to have been stopped. But now, the authorities seem to have understood their mission.

“Anywhere the Shi’ites are, they are always a problem. They are the ones that ruined Iraq. They are the ones that ruined Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. All the crises you see in the Middle-East, Shi’ites are responsible for them.

“You see, with their protests, they çan take over government. The enemies of the country and enemies of the sitting government can take advantage of the Shi’ites protest and overthrow the government.

“I believe the government now understands this secret. What the government has done is very right.”

On Tuesday’s declaration by another Shi’ites group that IMN members are fake Shi’ites, El-Zakzaky’s brother described the declaration as hypocritical.

According to him, all Shi’ites groups have the same doctrine and ideology.

“They are liars. All Shi’ites are one,” he said.

“What they are doing is hypocrisy. All of them have the same doctrine and ideology. They are only in Shi’ites leadership tussle with Zakzaky. That is why they are denouncing him publicly.

“Therefore, it is not only Zakzaky’s group that is supposed to be proscribed. The government should outlaw the entire Shi’ites sect. This is because both Boko Haram and Shi’ites share the same ideology.

“They can continue to fool other people that they are not armed, but we know they carry arms. Didn’t you see them shown with their arms?

“They lied that they were not the ones that killed the police officer in Abuja. The Deputy Commissioner of Police that was killed in Abuja was not the first police officer to be killed by the Shi’ites.”

On the court order for his brother’s release, he said, “Nobody should blame the government for holding him despite the Abuja court order. Some would say, ehn, court ordered that Zakzaky should be released and a house built for him. If they want the government to build a house for Zakzaky, then the government should also build a house for Shekau.

“Do Nigerians agree that government should build a house for Shekau? If no, then government should not build a house for Zakzaky, because they are the same. They are all terrorists.”

He added further that since El-Zakzaky exited Zaria, which was his base, the city has been very peaceful as security agents have been able to tame their “violent activities.”