Bullets Lodged In El-Zakzaky’s Body Since 2015 Have Not Been Removed – Falana

Human right activist and lawyer, Femi Falana, has shared that pellets of bullets which were lodged in the body of Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky and his wife, Zinat since 2015 are yet to be removed.
Speaking with newsmen shortly after a Kaduna state high court adjourned ruling on the application for permission to travel for medical attention by Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zazaky and his wife, Zinat, Falana added that the Shiite’s leader’s health condition had deteriorated so badly and has also lost an eye.
“In fact, he was not in court because his health had gone very bad. Even during the last appearance, he could not climb the staircase to the courtroom. That is why we applied that he be excused from an appearance in court and it was granted.
“The pellets in their bodies had resulted to lead poison and they need to be urgently removed by highly professional medical personnel,” he said.