Top 5 Luxury Destinations For Students

Being a college student is amazing! You get to study what interests you and grow, without having the responsibilities of an adult with a full-time job and a family to provide for. Having more free time and being at an age that allows you to experiment in real life, makes traveling a perfect activity. Visiting other places will take you out of your comfort zone, see how other people live, and make you feel like you are part of a larger world than you thought. You probably know all of the best vacation spots in the US. We are going to take a look at some luxury escapes around the world!



1. The Turkish Riviera is known worldwide as the Turquoise Coast. The thousand kilometres of shoreline is filled with amazing resorts and beaches. From Antalya to Bodrum, the locals are masters of hospitality known all over the world. If you choose to do your luxury travel here, you won’t be disappointed. You can take boat rides along the coast, relax on a private beach and at night visit some of their incredible nightclubs. 


According to digital nomad statistics also visit Melbourne, voted the most liveable destination if you want to study and work at the same time.

2. The former French colony, officially known as The Republic of Mauritius is an island in the Indian Ocean. The exotic views and impressive shoreline will show you why you’re living the high lifestyle. To travel to an exotic island as a student is an incredible opportunity. It’s definitely not the kind of trip you’ll take over the weekend, but you’ll have some amazing stories to tell when you get back.

3. This one is closer. Cancun, Mexico is a city on the northeast coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. If you’ve ever wanted to eat a papaya directly picked from a tree, this is the place for you. Here you can visit the Interactive Aquarium, the Mayan Museum and many other interesting sights. Having such an exotic destination closer, not in the middle of the ocean is wonderful. You can visit Cancun and then get back to school when your spring break is over. Keeping up with your studies is important. Having amazing places to visit closer to home is fantastic. You get to experience everything a luxury travel advisor tells you about and at the same time you are able to come back to school in time for you to go to classes. Do not forget about your assignments while your switching planes or visiting museums and if you want to be sure that nothing can spoil your trip, try check my paper for plagiarism and don’t worry about the uniqueness of your paper.

4. Perth, Western Australia is another luxury destination for any student looking to have a good time! The capital of Western Australia has a temperate Mediterranean climate, making the exotic lifestyle feel perfect! If you plan on visiting Australia, you should do it in two intervals of time. The Spring, from September to November, and the Autumn, from March to May. Especially in the Spring, the wonderful vegetation blooms and creates amazing landscapes that you’re going to remember for the rest of your life.

5. Dubai is a classic luxury destination. Being the most progressive between the seven emirates, the desert city grows every day! The Dubai International Airport  is busy as a beehive, flights coming and going by the minute! The sub-tropical climate, together with the breathtaking beaches and impeccable hospitality, make Dubai a wonderful place to spend your vacation. With attractions like Bruj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world or the Dubai Marina, you won’t get bored visiting the city. Another popular attraction is the Bruj al Arab Hotel. The self-proclaimed 7 stars hotel takes luxury to a whole other level! If shopping is on your list, then you are in the right place. Textiles, electronics and gold are the most popular choices when it comes to shopping in Dubai. 



You have the perfect age to travel the World. You are still young enough to enjoy every experience to the fullest, but also old enough to take care of yourself and learn something from your journey. From Turkey to Australia, the exotic destinations are there for you to discover. If you’re interested in sightseeing, try Perth or Mauritius. If you want to party, choose Cancun and if you’re going for the shopping Dubai is your destination. Whatever you choose, just remember to learn something from your experience and return back to college recharged, ready for more and up to date with your studies!


Emma Rundle is a traveler and a scholar. Documenting her life as a digital nomad around the world makes Emma an amazing writer. Her dream of writing about every country in the world comes closer to reality every day!