‘Nigerians Are Homophobic Till They Move Abroad’ – Nigerian Lawyer, Moe

A Nigerian lawyer identified as Moe, has taken a swipe at homophobic Nigerians.

According to Moe, Nigerian local LGBTQ persons are disgusting to the straight homophobic person, but the international ones aren’t.

The lawyer also pointed out that many Nigerians abroad are not as homophobic as they are when they are home.


Recall that popular LGBTQ advocate, Bisi Alimi recently dragged TerraKulture over hypocrisy.

READ ALSO –Bisi Alimi Drags Terra Kulture Over ‘Hypocrisy’ (Photo)

Moe’s statement can be likened to what happened to Bisi Alimi, a classic case of hypocrisy.

See Her Post Here:

Homophobic Nigerian
Moe’s Post