2023: Pensioners Threaten To Vote Against Governors Owing Pensions

The Nigeria Union of Pensioners is threatening to vote against Governors who are owing pensions during the 2023 general elections.

President of the union, Godwin Abumisi, told journalists in Abuja that many State Governors are owing pensioners.


He said this has made life unbearable for its members.

According to him, some State Governors have also refused to review pensions of retirees, even though the constitution provides that pensions should be reviewed every five years.

“Anybody who is not going to pay pension and gratuity, who will not be favourably disposed to senior citizens, that person is going to fail in this election,” Abumisi said.

“Because, as I am speaking to you, I’m not the only one. My family is large, my dependents are large. I am popular in my community. I will build a position to direct how they are going to cast their votes.

“So, the time has come when the politicians will stop taking us for granted.

“We will openly tell pensioners and their families and their supporters and in their villages and towns not to vote for that particular candidate.

“We give them our votes, they should also give us a return for our votes.”


  1. The management of PTAD truely deserve highest commendation for the excellent service delivery they have been rendering to DBS retirees.
    PTAD have been paying monthly pension to DBS retirees seamlessly and has paid 12%,15%,33% and consequential pension increases to DBS retirees,a feat that PENCOM has not been able to accomplish,yet PENCOM claims to be the overall body in charge of Pension matters in Nigeria.

    I keep on asking where PTAD source funds which they have effectively used in paying DBS retirees,and why has PENCOM consistently failed to do same for contributory retirees who are also constitutionally entitled to the the pension increases which PTAD has duly paid
    The exemplary performance of PTAD clearly indicates that unlike in the past contributory retirees can also be paid by a public managed pension office, therefore the federal government should remove pension funds from private pension managers who are only trading with pension funds for their selfish gains.
    The Nigeria labour Congress, Trade union congress and Nigeria union of pensioner’s have all failed contributory retirees,it is the inactions of the leadership of these unions that has emboldened PENCOM to treat contributory retirees with levity.