2023 Elections: Don’t Vote Based On Sentiments – Kumuyi Advises

General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor William Kumuyi, has advised Nigerians against voting for candidates on sentimental grounds.

Kumuyi disclosed this in Adamawa at a a six-day ‘Global Crusade with Kumuyi (GCK)’ which the Yola local organising committee told the media last week will have over 70,000 people from Adamawa State and the environs.

“Those eligible to vote should look at the people asking for vote and examine what we know about them. We are not voting by sentiment, we are not voting because of religion,” Kumuyi told newsmen on arrival at the Yola International Airport for a scheduled global crusade to begin today.


“We are voting for people who we believe that as individuals will make our country great,” he added.

Kumuyi said Nigeria is a huge country that with the right leaders could be made to fully justify its numerical strength in other ways than just numbers.

Read also: 2023: Consider Your Future, Vote Credible Candidates – Kumuyi

He said, “The country, with peace, progress, unity and security, is the best place to be. Leadership matters a lot because it determines the direction you will go. Thank God for democracy. God, through our own system, has given us the chance to determine the leader that leads and rules us. So, I will say, all of our citizens should wake up, and those who are eligible to vote should look at the leaders who are emerging, and then we use our understanding, background, knowledge, and what we know about the people to vote.”

“We are still the giant in Africa by population but we need to be giant in every area and so we want to vote for people who can get us there,” he said.

The Global Crusade with Kumuyi (GCK) is slated for Thursday 24th to Tuesday 29th, November, 2022, at the Deeper Unity Camp Ground, Kwanan Waya, along the Yola-Numan higway.