Nigerian man sets strict rules for his future wife (Photo)

There is a viral challenge on Facebook asking men to drop their set rules for their future wives and this man has taken it a step further by dropping a top notch list of rules and regulations for his future wife.

He actually set about 20 rules that his future wife will have to abide to and a lot of people are finding them quite unreasonable.

His post reads ;
1. she must wake up by 4 am
2. she must sweep all my compound
3. she must prepare my break fast
4. she must bath the children while ironing
my clothes at the same time
5. she must not go out when i’m around
and when am not around
6. she will not expect anybody to cook
7. she must wash cloth no matter how
heavy the pregnancy
8. she will go to bed by 11 pm
9. she must entertain my family members
10. I will not hear “no food today”
11. no man will be her friend
12. she must not wear trousers
13. she must not refuse if i ask for sex
14. she must give birth to 18 or 19 children
15. she must not evangelize my family issues
to outsiders. she must not borrow.
17. she must take care of my mama more
than her mama
18. before sending anything to her parent I
must be informed
19. she must be ready anytime i call her on
20. she must OBEY everything on the list
because I LOVE HER.. I don’t want her to
stress too much thank you for reading …

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