5 Richest Pastors In Nigeria

By Mfonobong Nsehe
God is good, especially if you’re a Nigerian pastor with some business savvy. These days, millions of souls, desperate for financial breakthroughs, miracles and healing, all rush to the church for redemption. And while the bible expressly states that salvation is free, at times it comes with a cost: offerings, tithes, gifts to spiritual leaders, and a directive to buy literature and other products created by men of God.

Pastors are no longer solely interested in getting people to Heaven; they’ve devised intelligent ways to make good money while reaching out to souls.

Take Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, for example. He is the founder and lead pastor of the Christ Embassy, a thriving congregation with branches in Nigeria, South Africa, London, Canada and the United States. His publishing company, Loveworld Publications, publishes ‘Rhapsody of Realities,’ a monthly devotional he co-authors with his wife. It sells over 2 million copies every month at $1 apiece. He also owns television stations, newspapers, magazines, a hotel, a fast-food chain, and more.


Many other Nigerian pastors are similarly building multi-million dollar empires from their churches. Today, pastors fly around in private jets, drive fancy cars like Daimlers, Porsches and BMWs, don Rolexes and Patek Phillipes, and own breathtaking mansions all over the world.

After the blog post I wrote in May about Nigerian pastors owning private jets, I was bombarded with emails from readers requesting to know the richest pastors in Nigeria. So I set out to investigate the assets of some of Nigeria’s most prominent pastors, and I came up with conservative estimates of their fortunes. I contacted representatives for all of the pastors and all except Matthew Ashimolowo’s representative confirmed ownership of the assets I list. Representatives for Pastor Ashimolowo did not respond to my emails.

Bishop David Oyedepo

Affiliation: Living Faith World Outreach Ministry, aka Winners Chapel

Estimated net worth: $150 million

David Oyedepo is Nigeria’s wealthiest preacher. Ever since he founded the Living Faith World Outreach Ministry in 1981, it has grown to become one of Africa’s largest congregations. The Faith Tabernacle, where he hosts three services every Sunday, is Africa’s largest worship center, with a seating capacity of 50,000. Oyedepo owns four private jets and homes in London and the United States. He also owns Dominion Publishing House, a thriving publishing company that publishes all his books (which are often centered on prosperity). He founded and owns Covenant University, one of Nigeria’s leading tertiary institutions, and Faith Academy, an elite high school.

Chris Oyakhilome

Church: Believers’ Loveworld Ministries, a.k.a Christ Embassy

Estimated net worth: $30 million – $50 million

Last year, the charismatic preacher was at the center of a $35 million money laundering case in which he was accused of siphoning funds from his church to foreign banks. Pastor Chris pleaded no wrongdoing and the case was eventually dismissed. His church, Christ Embassy, boasts more than 40,000 members, several of whom are successful business executives and politicians. Oyakhilome’s diversified interests include newspapers, magazines, a local television station, a record label, satellite TV, hotels and extensive real estate. His Loveworld TV Network is the first Christian network to broadcast from Africa to the rest of the world on a 24 hour basis.

Temitope Joshua

Church: Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN)

Estimated net worth: $10 million – $15 million

Nigeria’s most controversial clergyman is also one of its richest and most philanthropic. T.B Joshua heads the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), a congregation he founded in 1987, which accommodates over 15,000 worshippers on Sundays. The Pastor has remained controversial for several years for his inexplicable powers to heal all sorts of incurable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, cancer and paralysis. For miracle-craving worshippers, it’s the perfect seduction. The church currently has branches in Ghana, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Greece. In the past three years, he has given over $20 million to causes in education, healthcare and rehabilitation programs for former Niger Delta militants. He owns Emmanuel TV, a Christian television network, and is close friends with Ghanaian President Atta Mills.

Matthew Ashimolowo

Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC)

Estimated net worth: $6 million – $10 million

In 1992, Foursquare Gospel Church, a Nigerian church, sent Ashimolowo to open a satellite branch in London. But Pastor Matthew had other ideas and decided to set up his own church instead. Today, his Kingsway International Christian Center is reportedly the largest Pentecostal church in the United Kingdom. In 2009, the church posted profits of close to $10 million and assets worth $40 million. Ashimolowo earns an annual salary of $200,000, but his real wealth comes from varied business interests including his media company, Matthew Ashimolowo media, which churns out Christian literature and documentaries. Ashimolowo’s representatives did not respond to a request confirming his net worth and ownership of all these assets.

Chris Okotie

Church: Household of God Church

Net worth: $3 million -$10 million

Pastor Okotie made his first success as a popular pop musician in the 80s. He found the light, embraced the bible and set up the Household of God Church, one of Nigeria’s most flamboyant congregations. His 5,000 member church consists predominantly of Nollywood celebrities, musicians, and society people. He contested and lost Nigerian presidential elections for the third time this year under the Fresh Party, a political party he founded and funds. An automobile lover, he owns a Mercedes S600, Hummer and Porsche among several others.

Mfonobong Nsehe writes for Forbes.com
Follow me on Twitter @EmperorDIV


  1. For christ sake where on earth are all these so call pastor’s got those money from….imagine the one pastor Adeboye having four private jet….God….and they are calling themselve man of God…..and that one call chris okotie contesting for presidential election……well i cant blame them all…..it is our govt fault….

  2. Its unbelievers that will marvel about pastors being wealthy. But believers which i am, rejoices over such. Christ was made poor for us to be rich, He has brought us to a place called wealth. It is written we shall laid up gold as dust. Abraham, Joseph, David, Solomon…, were recorded as inflencial/famous/richest/wealthest men in the bible. Critisizers be careful otherwise men of God anointing could work against you. Jesus said the poor you will always have with you. Notice critisizers are always in one spot&poor. They do nothing as regard the spreading of the gospel…

  3. On behalf of Prophet T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN:

    We have been informed of the many recent articles on the internet stating that Prophet T.B. Joshua is one of Nigeria’s richest pastors. We have a few words to say on the issue.

    First, we do not understand how those involved came to their conclusions. There are many who are wealthy in Nigeria and around the world and there is nothing at all wrong with having money. Money is a gift and the richest have that blessing. But we are not among them.

    Since the inception of this ministry we have given out all we received from God’s generous hands. We have made it our daily habit to give to those in need – the widows, widowers, physically challenged, little people, fatherless and rejected in society. All of this can be seen on Emmanuel TV – a station established to change lives, change nations and change the world by examples of how to spend more on others and less on ourselves.

    We therefore cannot be categorized among the wealthiest in Nigeria because what money we receive is not accumulated but rather given out to those who need it most. Apart from money, assets that classify one among the wealthiest are not in our possession. For example, houses around the world or private jets. It is true, we do not own a private jet – not that there is anything wrong with owning one. They are a blessing and can be used to further the Gospel. But we do not own one.

    In the light of these truths, we ask that the articles stating us among the wealthiest pastors in Nigeria be retracted, please. We are simply not among.

    There is not enough to keep for tomorrow. As it comes, we give it for the needy.

    Please take your time to do your investigation on the facts we have given to you. What you publish is true, if we keep the money or save the money. The money is given to the needy.

    We are definitely not among the wealthiest in Nigeria. Take note, we are not against the wealthy or the richest or having private jets, assets or houses all over the world. We are definitely not among because there is not enough to keep.

    Please put your record right for posterity and for the good name of your site.

    The SCOAN

    • I DON’T KNOW IF THIS PASTORS BELIEVED IN THIS WORDS………Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!” And the disciples were perplexed at these words. But Jesus said to them again, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” They were greatly astounded and said to one another, “Then who can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible.” (NRSV, Mark 10:23-27)

  4. Dont say negative things against men of God especially Bishop Oyedepo or else God’s anger ‘ll rest on you. They’re God’s SHOW piece on earth &;ve to live what they preach.For ur information martins,any of their members who is there spirit,soul &body,obey GOD’s instruction that comes from them can never remain thesame!

    • GOD SAYS…. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (NIV, Matthew 6:19-21)

  5. I guess the writer of the said write up should put his time to better use. God calls and uses people. No one goes into the work of God without being called. Did God not make all things? He created the writer, how come he wasn’t called or choosen? Instead of putting his time to better use, you write about men working for God so ignorant fools can write rubbish about them. People don’t even respect the fact that they call on God. Writer, why God no call your Papa or someone from your lineage? If you were a child to any of these men, would you have time to write this crap?
    To all with negative comments, God has heard it all, He can kill for any negative word said about his prophet. So, guess you are wise enough to deduce meaning from that.
    To all who wrote well and even defended their Pastors, God is a rewards any effort good or bad.
    Let your tongue, fingers or mind put you into condemnation, not just you but your generation unborn.

  6. Let not your tongue, fingers or mind put you into condemnation, not just you but your generation unborn.
    If you are chosen of God all would work for you and the riches of the world would be your.
    If you called yourself, you fall by the way side.
    So many names are not being heard of again because they called themselves.
    Pls enough of who the richest pastors are, and face the real issues facing our daily existence.
    Who cares if the eat breakfast in London, lunch in Australia, dinner in South korea.
    Abeg, say something else.
    Especially pray for forgiveness of sin.

  7. What wil a true man of God be doing
    With four private jet and all those level
    Of assets both home and abroad? Or
    Are there no poor women and children
    In there congregations who need a help
    Of a three squre meal?.

    • If they have millions of jets,dont you think you should open up your own church and buy jets too,Why do we deceive ourselves,you don’t serve God and you want him to bless you beyond imagination,he alone giveth wealth,please pastors and bishop,keep on the good work and buy more as the lord blesses

      • I guess you are a poor wretched fellow, maybe I can call you miserable because I can see you have been brainwashed and can’t reason properly. Jesus told Nicodemus, sell all you have and give to the poor. He even said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a middle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. When some one requested to follow him, he asked him to go and sell all he has and give to the poor, then follow me. Jesus loves humility, one person having four jets is pure arrogance and pride. Remember he who humbles himself will be exalted, and he who exalts himself will be humbled, for what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul.

        • You are a pathetic fool and so miserable-come poor brat so i can feed you and your poverty stricken family.
          Go get a life and stop turning the bible upside down-i feel your pain,if you need money,come i help you out since you are so poor and wretched

  8. ” it is God (Jehovah) who gives the power to make wealth”… The Bible
    Good felas, there’s nothing wrong in getting wealthy & having many assets bcos it potrays the truth & image of the holy God (Jehovah) & His infalliable word. What matters is the means of acquisition & the end- use. Read Mathew 25: 35 & 36
    However, i want to remind christian leaders & fellows that our goal of winning souls to Jesus Christ & making Heaven should not be neglected.

  9. In my opinion we give out charity at places of worships, but should be for the development of places of worship, propagation of Gods words and to help those in need, so all that is required is for those heading the various places of worship is to give account to their followers while they are alive and ultimately to God.

  10. listen to your self mister numerator.. what is your business about their wealth? by the grace of God giving to them, they prayed for people to succeed in various ways and when it happened, the same people will come back and appreciate them. does not the bible recognizes the appreciation of men of God??.. you better look for something else and write and stop this rubbish. @all, i wont advice any of you to join and start talking against these men’s wealth. you were not there when they started or how they started, so avoid getting your self a cause you cant hold. i don’t expect any body, not even the person that wrote this to tell me that their wealth came from church proceeds. hence God will be angry on you for causing his prophets. watch your tongs.

  11. For God sake what is your problem with men of God getting wealth and been rich do they stole the money from you or from your family ,if you don’t have anything else to write about keep shut or your media will shut down permanently till eternity because of nonsense you are writting . Touch not my annoitted ,don’t take your own hand to carry a curse that will affect you and your family forever . A word is enough for a wise and don’t be a fool. Adewale Adeshola

  12. This is indeed a great news,please keep your pen because you will still write about mine.imagine someone has the guts to address a bishop as mr. u better pray for forgiveness,y are u raged over a pastor’s genuine wealth which is very obvious,u should be complaining about our politician’s wealth.finally,please watch your tongue on how u talk to men of GOD.as 4 d writer,d information is good,but the intent of the information is what might put u into trouble.be warned and be wise.

  13. Whoever that is the sponsor or promoter of this site (Mfonobong Nsehe) and Co. It will pay you more if you could focus your energy on other meaningful things rather than writing about the churches and the Pastors. The church today is the only restraining force against evil in Nigeria if not for the churches the wrath and evil you are witnessing today would have been worse. Be wise thats why there are many attacks on churches because they know the role of the churches. These churches you are writing about invest great time and resources in helping the poor which i personally took time to investigate. For instance Synagogue Church is like a home of destitute. The prophet is such a wonderful man of God. Do you know that Prophet TB is training over 500 Nigerians both home and abroad in both secondary and high institutions, are you aware that he feeds millions of people everyday through his alms- giving to the poor. While we have politicians looting our resources every day this men of God are relieving the poor we have on the streets by sending them to schools, putting food on their tables and establishing them for life. Another church i visited was Christ Embassy and was amazed with the humanitarian jobs going on there. Do you know the church runs an Destitute home called “‘ Inner city Missions” here they have hundreds of Nigerias both old and young who were adopted from the streets, gave them clothings, food,accomodation and hope for living. If you do not take care of the poor especially those on the streets one day they will become robbers ,boko harams only to met back their hardship to the society. I can go on and on…. Please encourage our men of God, they have helped a great deal in providing both physical and spiritual needs of a good number of Nigerians. I challenge you not to base your judgement on heresay rather make out time and vist any of these churches and you will be amazed at what you see. Be wise and stop making mistakes that you will forever regret. I love you all and long live Nigeria our country.

    • Then you preach the gospel and remove your focus from them,dont judge kkkkk,when a man of God is not going inline with what is in the bible,then u move out of that place,focus onyourself.The bible did not say serve me and I will make you poor.God said serve me and every other thing you desire will come after you.

  14. Therefore your gates shall be open continually; They shall not be shut day or night, That men may bring to you the wealth of the gentiles. And their kings in procession. God has given them the posssessions because they are grown enough in Christ to use it all to the will of God.

  15. To be sincere, the richest people in aba now na pastors, every street, junction, road sides and small opening space na churches, people don reason wela cuz they even give dem house for church inorder to generate money, churches nowadays are for rich men not for poor cuz dey won’t be given the privilege to express themselves.

  16. Ummmmmmmh, two pple dey say, cannot forfeit a lie for if d recipient does not detect d lie, definitely d liar knows fully well it’s a lie.
    D bible warns of fake prophets (Matthew 7:15). Also read verses 21-23 thus “Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into d kingdom of heaven…….,,,,,….,in dat day,,,,,,,,,,…… And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Nigerians, shine ur eyes, seek 4 GOD, and liberate urself 4rm ravening wolves (Matthew 7:15-16).

  17. Not that it is wrong to to be wealthy or sinful to be rich, but the possession of ostentatious wares at the expense of a hungry and needy population is not a trend that should be encouraged.
    We have seen schools built by Churches; the rich, poor and the very poor contributing to erect a befitting and godly institution where students can be brought up in the fear of God. That is awesome and laudable. But then the laughabe stares wildly at us; alas even those who contribute to the best of their capacities can’t afford them; is it not terrible?
    I beleive the problem that currently rocks our Nation is not entirely political and as such a purely political approach in tackling the problem will never yield optimal results.
    It is my submission therefore that in our strides for reforms, members of Church congregations should lovingly and without malice inquire about Church funds and how they are expended. Overtly expensive mission schools should be taxed, why run a ‘mission school’ that the public cannot afford and still be tax-free?
    Conclusively, we have to pray for our Nation. This is the single most important of them all.

  18. For all those in the business of writing about the wealth of Pastors or men of God, my sincere advice is buy enough biros, create enough time because you haven’t yet started to see the wealth that wil be amassed. I even think it is an insult on Christianity for a non-Christian to be the richest man in African, nevertheless, we re getting there, just keep following and write more. Thanks

    • Ignorance! If it were in the days of Elijah, God would have destroyed many of these false prophets we have in Nigeria, who just like the children of Eli, con worshipers to amass wealth. Thank to Jesus Christ my savior who came and died for our sins, given us opportunity to partake in God’s grace, but we should know that His grace is sufficient while we live, for their is no repentance after death.

  19. I can see that this writer is disillusioned and doesn’t know the scripture. Who has made you a judge over another man. Read your Bible very well and confirm to me that the profit of the land is for all; even the king is served from the field. Eccl 5:9 (NKJV). What stops you from opening your own church? what hinders you from writing your own book or establishing you own publishing house? God has vowed to bless anyone for that matter who hears and cares to follow His instructions; He said He will set him on high above all the nations of the earth (Deut. 28:1). God cannot lie as he will fulfill His word as long as the conditions are met. It is very simple, i will advice you to be in Canaan land, Faith Tabernacle this Sunday. It’s going to be an anointing Service, before i forget it’s now four (4) Services every Sunday!!. Come and partake of the power that makes rich for it is the blessing of God that does that. You know what? transportation to and from Church is free of charge! you can confirm this from anywhere. I have contacted that power myself and i’m on the way to the topmost top, so you haven’t seen anything yet. Very shortly you will see ordinary member of these churches you mention commanding untold wealth beyond your imagination. This is available in the pages of the Scriptures. Come out of your slumber Mr. writer and Live. Get hold of the word of God and experience His creative power in your life. Don’t limit yourself to writing about others, let other people write about you too. Gobe!

  20. I thank my God that men of God these days are as rich as the bible days like Abraham, Isaac, Solomon, Joseph, Job also who was the wealthiest in the middle east during his days. the scriptures is been fulfilled in our days. “we shall lay up gold as dust” just as Solomon did in his days.

  21. I wonder why people of God are complaining because of these write up. I don’t see anything wrong in classifying the rich men of God, it rather sad & unfortunate to defend them.
    Even though prophet T. B. Joshua is controversial, but he must be commended in his giving to the needy.
    God bless us all.

  22. this is the confirmation of the covenant of God in the life of those people you are criticizing,because we are the seed of Abraham,God swear for Abraham He said in blessing He will bless him even to Abraham generation and we are among Abraham’s generation, instead of you to key yourself into the anointing of wealth you sat back criticizing them, i pray that you will not as poor as church rat,i will advise you to change your mind set and your orientation and think positive.

  23. well it is good to express ur opinion but don’t be insultive.there must be balance to prosperity teaching, I bilieve Nigerian church need teachers raised by God to expose His mind.Truth is one when u collide with it embrace it , let us stop devouring the body of christ.God is the owner of the church let Him jugde .There is no new thing under the heaven God will began His judgement from His house so why disturbing urself.remember God will judge the motive of every post. Friends read ur bible, beg Holy Spirit to help u understand dat is ur inheritance in christ, looking up to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.let every man mind his or her business

  24. May God have mercy, whether Oyedepo uses 10 jets or adeboye uses 5 jets,, its their own issue with God,,on the last day, we shall all know… my own is to serve God live right and pray dat he blesses me in all ramifications..and My advice to all churches and men of God is to focus on leading people to heaven and preaching salvation messages..cos all the material tins of this world passes away. and Nigerians, if u kip thinking and hopin for churches/men of God to come to ur aid financially, den, b ready to wait foreva,,cos dey cant reach out to every individual.. GOD is the sole Judge, not We.

  25. The writer of this article is such a shallow brain human who does not have real facts but assuming. He doesn’t even know the right name of some of the churches and here he is with his poverty mind claiming he has facts.
    You are such a miserable man who will soon die in poverty.
    You can only be one of the two: you better get rich or remain the hater of those that are rich and die in poverty.

  26. I’m sorry to say this,but I’m really surprised,this workers of God are not even as rich as I expected them,this facts are not true,if unbelievers can have billions of dollars,why do you think that men of God can not have more, I believe in the nearest future,the publications will be of men of God having billions of dollars that amount to trillions of naira. So be it for the righteous in Jesus name. Amen

  27. I pity all of you and this person that post this article. Bishop oyedepo book contains healing, salvation, deliverance books. Why is it that you emphasis in prosperity alone. I have been attending winners 3 years ago. Its all around blessing. I saw the hand of God in my life. Ever since my mother has started attending the church. Things turn around for her. God only need your hearth to be clean. That’s all.

  28. sometime we Nigerians cant put forward good informatn without an element of sentiment. This is a necessary information but not sufficient to be true. Where do you rank pastor Adeboye among others,hence this writer must be worshipping at RCCG.

  29. i only have answer to soom peopls, if u r so angry that they r that rich and u think ministry is business then go open ur own. For the jet my dear its not bad cos they may have to travil and going to d public plane, u fine out the flight has concil

  30. dre is absolutely nothing wrong in getting rich. if d gud ones are nt rich den doz the bad ones deserve it? all I can say is DAT people DAT God placed in dere care shud not live in abject poverty. god dint gv DAT money to dem for accumulation, itz to reach out to d poor no matter wat so DAT is d only way I blame d pastors. itz true prophets lyk Solomon and David were wealthy but if u luk at doz dey ruled ova, u wud c dey lived well enough for doz prophet to accumulate wealth. so letz call a spade a spade. thank u

  31. Of all the pastors mentioned above, only one stood out, but as expected, its meaning to the readers since all they want to hear has been. did you people read in the article that he worth $10-15 million and “In the past three years, he has given over $20 million to causes in education, healthcare and rehabilitation programs for former Niger Delta militants. ” which literally means that he gives out everything he gets. Let your reasoning and judgement be sound

  32. This is the story in the bible,’from those who do not have, it shall be taken and added to those who have’. Let us be mindful of how we plan and use what Nature has given to us. Otherwise it shall be taken away from us and given to these and other people.

  33. Thou shalt not judge remember…besides you weren’t expecting they’d go unrewarded. Leave the source of their wealth, its breath and length to God. Just focus on your purpose there…to be led by God’s Spirit. You have your life to live.

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  35. Christ was made poor so DAT we can be rich. peter, James, Paul, John were in ministry after Christ and they never lived in ds kind of luxury our pastors are living in now. they suffered more persecution and also face death worse than that of Christ for the sake of the gospel. now their names are written in gold in heaven. no Wonder people keep seeing revelations of great men of God of this age who are dead suffering in hell. but here on earth they are praised and worshipped like God

  36. I just check my jamb result it was 160 so I was hopeless I got mr frank number online I called MR Frank and explain he help me to upgrade my score to 250 now I am happy if u want to upgrade ur score too call mr frank on 08109630982 he is going to help u the way he helped me God bless mr frank

  37. Dear Beloved Brethren,

    Much greetings through the exalted name of our Loving savior Jesus Christ from Kenya.
    I am very much pleased to tell you that your teachings on your website are a great blessing to me, my family and the young independent christian fellowship
    that i founded when i got the call of the lord to do so.
    So, i, my wife , children and some few brethren from the community we are
    serving the lord under this christian fellowship.

    The fellowship is of 56 members.
    I also take care of 21 orphans whose parents died.
    In this i am requesting you to send us more teachings that will enable us, as a small church to grow spiritually.

    As well it is my kind request that you also remember these needy orphans under
    my care in your daily prayers that God can open them ways for their needs both in
    physical and spiritual growth.As well I kindly invite you to come here in Kenya and bless our people with the gospel of our lord Jesus.Kenya needs mighty people of God to lead her in to salvation and know the Living God. Please have a kind consideration to extend your kind cooperation for the extension of the Kingdom of God.
    Also i would be happy if you will accept us to be part of your fellowship.
    Pass our sincere regards and greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
    tel +254722304158
    yours at His service Pastor Isaac Moracha

  38. Permit me to say that the estimation made in the first instance were wrong.
    And talking about who is the richest pastor in Nigeria is an understatement.
    God is not after how much wealth the pastors acquired in the process of pa storing the people.
    But he is after how many souls have been genuinely converted and are on their way to see God.
    So Pls don’t distract people with mundane things pastors have acquired in this world.
    Jesus categorically says;for what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and at last looses his own soul? Or wat shall a man give in exchange of his soul?let us get closer to our Bible and God will open our eyes to no his true revelation concerning mankind.God bless u all.