Portuguese Flee to Mozambique to Escape Eurozone Crisis, Why not Nigeria?

No one would ever think that members of the so called developed countries would want to seek greener pastures in Africa, the way Portuguese citizens are now moving to Mozambique in search of greener pastures. Mozambique had gained its independence from Portugal in 1975, retaining Portuguese as its national language. But until recently, many Mozambicans see the former colonial power as a land of opportunity.

According to Consul General Graca Pereira of the Portuguese consulate in Maputo, there is a rise in experienced, university-educated Portuguese migrating to Mozambique looking for a brighter future. In her words: “In the last two or three years, people began to come increasingly… Lots of people for small investments, some others working with the companies, some others working contract by other people. So a variety of people.”

It is important to note that according to the latest Global Peace Index, Mozambique was rated as the third most peaceful country on the African continent, coming after Mauritius and Botswana. Also, In 2011, Mozambique’s real gross domestic product grew by 7.2%, boosted by the country’s first overseas export of coal, as well as strong performances by the transport, communications, construction and financial services sectors. The country’s economy is also forecast to grow by 7.5% and 7.9% in 2012 and 2013 respectively.


Yes, Nigeria’s official Language is not Portuguese. One cannot help but imagine if this could possibly happen between Nigeria and their former colonial masters. In the same Global Peace Index referred to above, Nigeria made it to the top five least peaceful countries in the continent. One only need to listen to the news in order to be able to tell where Nigeria stands in terms of economic advancements; the country’s leaders are running helter-skelter all over the world in order to “woo” investors – at least that is what they claim to be doing whenever they go on most of their foreign trips. Kudos to the Mozambique Government.



Source: CNN