Rihanna Says Her Tattoos Make Her Almost Christ-like

Rihanna told a British tabloid that her numerous tattoos make her almost Christ-like. The 24-year-old singer has collected about 20 tattoos all over her body.

Rihanna, who exhibits symptoms of bipolar disorder, seems to believe Jesus Christ is in favor of her desecrating her temple with ink, drugs and alcohol.
According to The Sun newspaper, she said: “My tattoos are all spiritual and show how I feel about religion. I have a falcon which is an Egyptian falcon and is supposed to stand for God.”


  1. Rihanna is so stupid. To all my muslim brothers who think that we christians insult them, please we christians are peaceful and loving people else from rihanna comment about christ, we would have started destroying things. I think each time the mohammed or islam is insulted, the illuminatis should be blamed not christians. Just like how they insult our lord Jesus christ. Even jay z called christians bastards. Its time we know who they are. They are agent of satan. I know they know what they do is bad thats why they engage seriously in drugs inorder to have guts to carryout there assignments. One thing I’m sure of is their end. They’ll all end like goats and chickens.

  2. Rihanna is so stupid. To all my muslim brothers who think that we christians insult them, please we christians are peaceful and loving people else from rihanna comment about christ, we would have started destroying things. I think each time that mohammed or islam is insulted, the illuminatis should be blamed not christians. They ar setting it up coz they know that anger will be mislead and christians most times killed, Just like how they insult our lord Jesus christ. Even jay z called christians bastards. Its time we know who they are. They are agent of satan. I know they know what they do is bad thats why they engage seriously in drugs inorder to have guts to carryout there assignments. One thing I’m sure of is their end. They’ll all end like goats and chickens.