Bakare Classic: OBJ Is A Demon… GEJ Dares Not Visit My Church Because…

Pastor-Tunde-BakareWhenever Pastor Tunde Bakare speaks on national issues, it is bound to elicit rapt attention not because he is an eloquent speaker who knows his onions but because he does so with an unrivalled patriotic zeal and says it as it is – no sugar-coating.

In this interview culled from The PUNCH, the Senior Pastor of the Latter Rain Assembly and former running mate to Maj.-Gen. Muhammadu Buhari under the platform of the Congress for Progressive Change, CPC in the last presidential election, speaks on some burning national issues.



Bakare, when asked his view on the campaign for 2015 which is still two years away but has begun in earnest by some politicians in the country, he says:

“They have signalled the campaign by going to kneel down before Pastor Adeboye (General Overseer, Redeemed Christian Church of God). See, I am not saying that pastors should not pray for presidents, that man was representing an office; a whole nation crumbling before men of God because of political advantage they think they can get. And if the prayer will bail him out, let us wait and see.

“The truth is who is preparing for 2015, which faction of the PDP? Is it the (Olusegun) Obasanjo faction? Or IBB faction? Or Jonathan faction? The governors’ faction? Because PDP is a house divided against itself; it’s a chicken that has begun to eat its own intestines.

“By going to kneel down in the open before the pastor, the man (Jonathan) did not even recognise the dignity of his office. If it were a private thing, it is okay for you to crawl or kneel but it is a whole nation. That office has been diminished by a man who does not know the worth of it and does not deserve to stay there for one more day.”

Not known to be an admirer of former president Olusegun Obasanjo whom he blames for the present leadership predicament the country is currently facing, the fiery Lawyer turned preacher said the call by the Owu chief that revolution is imminent would first “consume” him “because he caused the problem; by forcing the weak and the sick on the nation.”

According to him, Obasanjo had “the greatest opportunity to put Nigeria in proper shape and to leave a legacy for generations unborn. But he chose not to do that.” Bakare added that the former president cannot walk the streets without any of his security detail saying, “if Obasanjo dares, let both of us walk through Itoku Market in Abeokuta even as an Owu man without any aide, or the streets of Sokoto among the almajiris”.

Bakare further described the former Nigerian leader as a ‘demon’ that needs to be ‘exorcised.’ According to him: “I said Owu as a kingdom had produced angels in human flesh like the late Akin Olugbade, whose generosity and philanthropy benefitted a person like me. I went there to say that this is a return on investment and I gave the little that I had.. That is why I told them that Owu kingdom has produced angels and demons such as Obasanjo, who incidentally is called Ebora Owu. Ebora means demon and demons are to be exorcised. Our job is to cast out demons of Owu and that we would do by God’s grace.

And towards the end of the interview when asked what he would do if President Goodluck Jonathan chooses to come fellowship at his church, he thunders, “Let him try it. Jonathan dares not and if he does, he will sit at the back” he said.


  1. am sorry pastor bakare,ur criticism of d president for kneeling infront of d entire country before a man of God,does dt not sound like david’s wife criticising him for dancing unto God before d entire pple of Isreal?besides he knelt befor God and not to Adeboye.Jesus christ!why does politics turn u pple into hateful species,even a man of God?

  2. haba Tunde !!!!!! you’ve gone to far… So to kneel before God means you’ve diminished office as a president?? Call a human a demon….. Just for the sake of power…. If anyone votes for Bakare and he becomes president we’d be worse off than we are now.

    • Am sure you part of those who simply criticize for the sake of getting attention.Who Tunde Bakare?A man of God perhaps.He left the work God gave him and became politician and yet he can insult and accuse the president without blinking eyes.Is President’s office bigger than the office of a servant of God?Mind what you say cos it will always boomerang

  3. Bobo Tuneeee abeg now, wetin? Na u alone? Abegi go sitdown joo, abi u bi God? JEG no good, Obasonjo demon, Adeboye? U nko, ubi angel. Be careful, wea not fulls, ok? Alot of Nigerians are still more inteligent dan u, ok. U had beta watch it.

  4. Bakary are you really sure it is GOD that called you to this your so called postorial work? If it is GOD that really called you then you should know that the GOD that president jonathan knelt before HIM is bigger than you so called bakary, bigger than buhari, bigger than the so called nation nigeria which you want to govern. Why not you ask GOD forgiveness and face your postorial work instead of politice.

  5. Bakare is simply an idiot, the first time we knew him was an Islamic Cleric and subsequently cross-carpet to Christianity. Before anyone could say “jack-robbin-son“ he dabbled into politics. And there is fear & tendency that he is on his way to ILLUMINATI. As far as I’m concern, he is operating a shirine in the name of church. No human is above kneeling down before God irrespective of the position he is holding. Check out the muslim who kneel down to pray, is he now condemning them? This guy is a caword and fool.

    • haba tunde you sound like an antichrist now why is it that a yuruba man will always be one the president is like every other human outside office or wat you call it after all if he carried the whole nation and kneed be4 God is God too small now that jonathan shuold not knee b4 him,you know if this was coming from a muslem i wuld not say a word but from you watch it b4 God turns his anger on you AND TUNDE LET ME ASK YOU WHO CALLED YOU TO PASTORING MINISTRY ???? GOD OR TRIBALISIM

    • It is wrong for a man to kneel in front of any man of GOD all in d name of prayers. That is what this man is pointing out here. Read and understand him. He has not condemned GEJ for going to church, but for kneeling in front of G.O. for prayers. I mean, u can kneel down anywhere and pray to GOD, must it be in front of another man?

  6. who is pst tunde bakare to criticize GEJ & OBJ & PST ADEBOYE let him tunde bakare go to Lisabi Grammar school where he himself finished from and see for himself the condition of the class rooms and even the school environment. pst tunde pls maintain your dignity and leave politics.

  7. As much as I respect the five-fold ministry that Pastor Tunde Bakare occupies, I dare to say that he has goofed in faulting Mr President for kneeling down for prayer before Pastor Adeboye. It is a classic show of humility before God for Dr Goodluck Jonathan to have knelt down openly for prayer. Pastor Bakare should watch his utterances. Your arguement against the President’s action is illogic, absurd and lacked sound Christian knowlege. Something is going wrong with you, Pastor Bakare. You better watch it !

  8. For God’s sake, ds man was asked about 2015 general elections and campaign …and this?

    I thought CPC, his party jst did a merger. So there’s nothing else to talk about on d question?
    And who says sitting at the back in a church service is a… ?
    Ah! Pastor! I weep…

  9. am not surprised @ bakare, who made u judge over them? u so concerned about GEJ dan even d welfare of d nation, d salvation of ur soul… nothin as ever been good b4 u sir, wv due respect, seek God again! if ur winning souls to God is a liltle publicized than ur criticism over every one, how happy heaven would be? GOD IS STILL GOD, let him be ur judge.

  10. You are all Fool….and I wil nt blame u Mush cus YOU are ALL FOOL….

    Why GEJ nt choose to go to Church lik CAC n others 4 Prayer since dere is God every where…..than Redeem?? I knw ur scope n d instrument of Politics bcos as A Political science Student..

    He knws dat baba Adeboye has Many population of followers….so, dat baba Can Campaign 4 him…..lolz…

    If GEJ…likz he should also Pay visit to Nasfat or join ILLUMINALITY through Dbanj….is goin No where in

    God Bless MY Country!!! 9ja

    • You lack political knowledge.Where is it written in your political postulation and theories that Redeem controls the political apparatus in Nigeria.During the last election, how many Redeem people voted?Many of you think you know politics and even come up with the statement”am a political science student”Just shut up and go and read your book again.What is the correlation between kneeling before Adeboye and winning election.Go and check your data.Of those who kneeled before Adeboye lduring the last election , how many of them won election?.

  11. Tunde Bakare watz d fuss abt? you r using ur carnal minds & immoral heart to c Adeboye but Jonathan is seeing God not Adeboye, u r a man of God like u claim but there’s no truth in u. the same way Obama ws castigated 4 bowing down b4 a traditional institution in Japan. do not forget Adeboye is ordained by God to give leadership to God’s Pple including Jonathan hu happens to b a Christian. so stop this ur stupid & childish political gimmicks to rubbish Jonathan, because u r nt showing any respect for that office he occupies neither, if u respect dt office, u will respect the person occupying it.
    u r just seeking been a cheap popularity seeker & u wish u were the one Jonathan came to kneeling to, but it cn never b u cos u r obviously no true man of God bt a dirty politician.

  12. GTunde Bakare watz d fuss abt? you r using ur carnal minds & immoral heart to c Adeboye but Jonathan is seeing God not Adeboye, u r a man of God like u claim but there’s no truth in u. the same way Obama ws castigated 4 bowing down b4 a traditional institution in Japan. do not forget Adeboye is ordained by God to give leadership to God’s Pple including Jonathan hu happens to b a Christian. so stop this ur stupid & childish political gimmicks to rubbish Jonathan, because u r nt showing any respect for that office he occupies neither, if u respect dt office, u will respect the person occupying it.
    u r just seeking been a cheap popularity seeker & u wish u were the one Jonathan came to kneeling to, but it cn never b u cos u r obviously no true man of God bt a dirty politician.

  13. What Tunde is seeing today would take Nigerian christianity 100 years to see. If our head of state wants private prayers, he knows where to get it. At his home. I pray for him and for the nation every day as I am sure many well meaning Nigerians do. If he goes to “holy ghost” ground, in front of a multitude and kneels down for prayer it is purely a political prayer. Nigerian Christians please read your bibles with understanding and understand the mind of God. Christianity is not all about acquiring money and influence it is a purely spiritual journey. Tunde can purchase popularity by selling his soul to the contemporary values but he chose to be unpopular by saying the truth as he sees it. We urge all Nigerians to continue to pray for our leaders and the nation so that it will be well for us. But the display of public prayers calls into question the sincerity of both the” prayer ” and the “prayee”

    • Godbless you Sir……..and to everyone please you we at no position to judge,as carnal as you say he(Pst Tunde Bakare) is,there is somewhat zeal in every word he says………….You forgot about Elisha?,although a prophet,the way he addressed issues where totally different from the way his predecessor Elijah did,you see.I love Pastor Tunde Bakare,But it takes a spiritual mind to understand where he is coming from.Nobody was talking,Now someone is finally speaking and we stay here criticizing him because of the people involved.Please try a spirit by the spirit before you judge…….Goodluck Jonathan’s motive for Kneeling down before Our father in the lord (Pst E.A Adegboye) is purely for Political reasons………..Or did you hear him go to redemption camp when he was Deputy Governor of His state……also if he wants he can meet daddy G.O one on one.All this here are antics to buy the Votes of believers for an election he wants to win at all cost…………Please do not be deceived,for God cannot be mocked.

  14. Mr. Bakare or what do u call yourself…… attacking Obj on national issues he failed 2 do during his tenure can not solved d Nigerian predicament. Allowed what is past 2 be a past tense and let’s forged forward inorder 2 moved our country 2 a greater height. You are a man of God as u said. If u see a demon wht do u need do is 2 cast out that Demon instead calling a person Demon and u’v do nothing 2 cast it out 4 a deliverance.

  15. Mr Tunde Bakare, you can’t be a Pastor and at the same time a Politician please choose one.
    and have a forgiven spirit please, Heaven is at hand.

    please choose between God and wordly people.

    Choose preaching or u campained.
    please make ur choice now.

    Please leave Pastor Adeboye and Jonath Goodluck alone please…….

  16. Well the truth at this point in time about the acclaimed man of God is that if at all or if at any time Tunde has been called by God then he has lost his true son-ship with God. Tunde Bakare is an apostate apostle of doom to demonically deceive cheep-chicken soup Nigerians who knows nothing about God and the Nation. What he is doing with his demonic sponsors is to incite innocent ignorant Nigerians to another stage of anarchy, war and hatred; which the full weight of law should straighten him up. A true child of God-Pastor or Prophet who actually knows God will not prophecy doom and assassination of his national leader and a situation of war-ton destruction. Himself and such Nigerians like him, should understand that God is not a God of blood at the of peace or when peace is most needed; “SHEED NOT THE BLOOD OF WAR IN THE TIME OF PEACE” is a divine principle to be followed by every patriotic Nigerian. He is not a God of Samuel Doe and whoever that is desiring the Samuel Doe eclipse for this Nation, what happen to Haman in the book of Esther will unavoidably happen to him. So let it be clear to every evil Merodec cum Haman-Tunde Bakare in religious clothing, that whether they like it or not, the evil letter of Haman shall compulsorily reverse back on their head. A true child of God -Pastor according to the Holy write odd to passionately and dutifully prayer for his leaders and Nation. Rom. 13:1-8; “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.6 For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. 8 Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

  17. I dont just know why you people listen to this man Tunde Bakare. Its unbelievable this this is coming from him. What is he really saying? is he saying that the office off presidency is above God? Im not a fan of Goodluck but on this one Tunde Bakare got it all wrong. If not because of his partisanship in politics and the president knell in his church he will not see anything wrong in that. He is a disappointment and disgrace to Christianity, yoruba and humanity. Imagine a small boy like him calling an old Baba like Obasanjo an Ebora. Haba! he need to apologize to obj,Pastor Adeboye and the whole Nigeria.

  18. What has kneeling b4 God whom pastor Adeboye represnts got 2 do with politics or d questions askd. If oda nation’s presidnt culd humble demslvs by comin down 2 9ja 2 com & sick prayers frm T.B Joshua’s church why shld Gej’s own case b difrent. Dat shows humility b4 God. Pls, lets stop bita politics. As a Rev. I tot he wld preach peace & 4gvnes. What d president did was a sign of respect 2 God & he did dat 4 us 2 learn dat no mata how highly placed u ar, u must giv ceasar what’s his & God’s His own. No wonder God’s favouring dis humble presidnt. U had a joint ticket with an x-military dictator who house arrestd & violated d right of Oda nigerians & u think u ar on d right track. I gues u know wher 2 go & gada facts about malam buha’s military era. Incase u ar in doubt, go ask Shagari & co. As a Rev, i xpctd u shld’v visitd Gej without ur political mind & encourage him 2 rule in d fear of God & pray 4 him as well. Let nt b 2 pompous b4 God.

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  20. It was God’s anointing on Adeboye that calls for that, bakare is soo jelous,he should pray for anointing that calls for people and pray for Gods presence in his life…. GOD’S PRESENCE AND GLORY UPON ONES LIFE CALLS FOR GREAT MEN ARRND.And pls has ADEBOYE for once campaigned for GEJ???
    bakare is just been selfish in his speech, well we av men of God and real men of God..all over d world by God grace ADEBOYE is still part of those in real recognition of God’s call servants, so if GEJ knees before adeboye, he only knelt before God and not man, if he had gone to kneel before shrine, the same BAKARE WILL STILL CRITICIZE HIM..Bakare is going too far, pls becareful… Bakare doesnt even knows his bearings just swapping and cuttn d bush… God will have mercy.. And GEJ WILL NEVA COME TO UR CHURCH BCOS OF WHOM YOU ARE..

  21. I pity Bakare followers because i wonder why the President be kneeling down before God in the sanctuary and not before any man or shrine and castigated him like David wife in the Bible. Who is GEJ or office or nation without God? Holy Spirit will judge but pls pray for forgiveness. He took Buhari to Adeboye for prayer and he himself went to seek advice from Adeboye, so what do we called u now? Hmmm…..all in the name of politics. God will have mercies on all the fake pastors.

  22. @Tobe. Please grow up. What Jonathan did was bad. Its not the same with David. Have you asked urself Why there is a chapel in Aso Rock? Name one Head of State outside this charade of a country that has ever done such.